In Call of Duty Black OPS 4's new Zombies MAP, you have the option of entering "cheat codes" in the form of four digits into a central computer run by a certain "Rushmore". In order to have fun on the Alpha and Omega and CoD Black OPS 4 map, we have listed all the codes that you can enter on the computer's digital code. ... Read more

In this CoD Black OPS 4 tutorial, we are going to explain how you can build the riot shield on the new Alpha and Omega zombie map of the Apocalypse Z pack. If you are used to the zombie mode of the Call of Duty license, you You should know that building the shield is essential to protect against rear and frontal attacks.... Read more

New zombies map for CoD Black Ops 4 also means activating the Pack-a-Punch / sacred punch machine to improve its weapons. If you want to survive against the hordes of zombies in Call of Duty Black OPS 4's Alpha and Omega map, you better know how you need to go about activating the sacred punch/Pack-a-Punch machine.... Read the following

A well-known weapon among Call of Duty players, the “Galil” otherwise known as the “Gravitational” in Call of Duty Black Ops 4 is at the heart of a Summer Days event that has recently begun. You have certainly already wielded this weapon in the Zombies and Blackout modes of Call of Duty Black Ops 4... Today, you have the possibility of obtaining it in multiplayer mode with the additional possibility of modifying the "Galil" by adding accessories and others!... Read more

If you are currently playing the latest DLC for Call of Duty Black Ops 4, we have a guide for the zombie mode that will allow you to find and activate the famous Sacred Punch machine which is used to improve weapons on the Ancient Evil MAP. As always, this machine will allow you to improve your guns against 5000 points and to apply different effects against a few additional points by ironing them in the machine. Following, you will find all the necessary steps for the activation of Sacred Punch (pack-a-punch).... Read more

It's been a while since the Black Ops 4 DLC was released with the Ancient Evil map and as usual, the Zombie mode hides many secrets that players are eager to discover as the days go by. And the secret that we are going to let you discover today is none other than the making of the Will of Apollo shield.... Read more

Call of Duty Black Ops games have always used players to search for a series of puzzles that activate secret music on zombie MAPS. This is always the case in Call of Duty Black Ops 4!... Read more

By playing Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Blackout mode, you will be able to unlock many characters. More than 20 characters are to be unlocked and are divided into three categories. Characters specific to Blackout mode, but also from the zombie universe and multiplayer specialists. ... Read more

By playing the MAP Nine (IX) of Call of Duty Black Ops 4 zombies mode, you will be able to unlock two special weapons by following a whole path, namely the death of Orion and the kiss of Serket. If you don't know how to get these two weapons on the IX map, we will explain through this page the walkthrough that will lead you there.... Read more

You may not know this, but on Call of Duty Black Ops 4 map "Nine" or "IX" you can have an upgraded weapon right from the start without even using the Sacred Punch machine. This is the Discord pistol that transforms into Z-Harmony if you complete a series of mini challenges.... Read more

In Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Zombies mode, you will be able to use Talismans by selecting the "create a class" tab. These talismans should not be neglected, as they give you a powerful advantage during a match, determined according to the one used at the start of a game. There are several different types and rarities. ... Read more

Call of Duty Black Ops 4's multiplayer mode features a specialist system that players can choose from at the start of each match. These specialists all offer specific attributes to help the player dominate their opponents.... Read more

In Map Nine (IX) of Call of Duty Black Ops 4, players face hordes of zombies in the heart of a Coliseum, the goal being to unravel the mysteries there in order to help Scarlet (heroine of the mode zombies) to find his father alongside his friends Diego, Staton and Bruno.... Read more

If you're playing Blackout in Call of Duty Black Ops 4 right now, you must have come across a few zombies along the way while scouring the map for some decent gear that can deal with other players. ... Read more