What is the power limit in Destiny 2: Beyond Light? After the Beyond Light campaign credits, Guardians will need to focus on increasing their power levels in order to prepare for the upcoming raid and other challenging content. The main appeal of Destiny is getting stronger and getting new gear, and fans can expect an increased power cap in Beyond Light, like all other expansions. The minimum power requirement for the upcoming raid is 1230, so you'll have a lot of farming work to do if you want to be raid-ready on day one. Here is the new power cap for Destiny 2: Beyond Light.
Destiny 2: Beyond the Max Light Power Limit
The current soft power cap in Destiny 2: Beyond Light is 1200. The hard power cap is 1250, and using advanced gear allows you to reach a maximum power level of 1260.
- Soft Power Cap – 1200
- Hard feed cap – 1250
- Pinnacle Power Cap – 1260
The soft power cap is just 1200, while the raid requires you to be 1230. That means you're going to have to put in a lot of work if you want to be ready for the raid when it comes out. You can reach the soft cap of 1200 just by playing the game and buying new gear. The 1250 hard cap, however, requires you to complete daily and weekly challenges that give you “powerful rewards,” so progress slows to a crawl once you exceed the soft cap threshold. Finally, the 1260 cap requires rewards that you can only get from “advanced gear,” which are extremely rare and are tied to weekly challenges and objectives. Getting a full set of 1260 armor and weapons will take a long time, so start early if you want to become the strongest Guardian possible.
Destiny 2: Beyond the Light is available now for PC, PS4 and Xbox One. A next-gen patch for Destiny 2 arrives on December 8 and will contain several improvements for the game on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X | S.