Solstice of Heroes is back in Destiny 2, and participating Guardians can earn a unique Armor Glow effect that can be applied to their gear. Completing races in the European Aerial Zone will increase and upgrade the Solstice of Heroes armor set, and Eva Levante is available in the tower with repeatable Solstice of Heroes bounties. The Solstice of Heroes 2020 grind is very similar to previous years, tasking you with completing all sorts of activities in order to level up your Solstice gear. Solstice of Heroes 2020 runs from August 11 to September 8, so the same will be live for just over a month. Here are the Solstice of Heroes 2020 objectives along with the requirements to upgrade each piece of Solstice gear.
The solstice begins
To start the Solstice of Heroes questline, you need to talk to Eva Levante in the tower. She's in the center of the tower, right next to the main landing area, so she's pretty hard to miss. Just look for the giant Guardian statue if you can't find it. She'll give you a quest called The Solstice Begins and give you your first Solstice gear: the Renewed Helmet. Equip the helmet and complete a run in the European Aerial Zone, accessible to the right of Eva. After defeating bosses and opening chests to complete a run in the European Aerial Zone, return to Eva. She will tell you to mediate at the Statue of Heroes. Simply interact with the statue to do so and return to it to receive the full set of Renewed Armor.
Improved Renewed Armor Set
The Renewed armor set is the Solstice of Heroes blue rarity gear set. You get it just for completing The Solstice Begins quest, but you can upgrade this armor set multiple times to something awesome. Complete the following objectives based on your character class to upgrade to the Majestic armor set.
- Helmet β Complete 1 European air zone run, get 50 precision final blows, defeat 100 hives
- Gantelets β Defeat 50 fighters in the European Air Zone, get 20 super kills, defeat 5o enemies in the European Air Zone using an Arc subclass
- chest armor β Complete 5 Adventures, collect 100 Solar Orbs in Strikes, defeat 25 Guardians in Crucible or Gambit
- leg armor β Complete 5 Public Events on Nessus, Collect 100 Void Orbs in Crucible or Gambit, Unlock 10 Solstice Packages
- Brand β Complete 5 Playlist Strikes, Collect 400 Elemental Orbs, Complete 5 Crucible and Gambit matches
- Helmet β Complete 1 European air zone run, get 50 precision final blows, defeat 100 kills
- Gantelets β Complete 5 Strikes, open 10 Solstice Packages, collect 100 Solar Orbs in Crucible or Gambit
- chest armor β Get 50 kills in the European Aerial Zone using a Solar subclass, defeat 50 fighters in the European Aerial Zone, collect 400 Elemental Orbs
- leg armor β Land 50 Super Kills, defeat 25 opposing Guardians, complete 5 Public Events on Nessus
- Coat β Complete 5 Adventures, collect 100 Arc Orbs from Strikes, complete 5 Crucible or Gambit matches
- Helmet β Complete 1 European Aerial Zonerun, get 50 precision kills, defeat 100 Cabal
- Gantelets β Complete 5 Playlist Strikes, Collect 400 Elemental Orbs, Defeat 25 Guardians in Gambit or Crucible
- chest armor β Complete 5 Adventures, Collect 100 Arc Orbs in Crucible or Gambit, Unlock 10 Solstice Packages
- leg armor β Defeat 50 enemies in the European Aerial Zone using any subclass, collect 100 Solar Orbs in Strikes, defeat 50 enemies in the European Aerial Zone using a Void subclass
- Liaison β Complete 5 public events on Nessus, defeat 50 enemies with Super abilities, complete 5 Crucible or Gambit matches
Upgrade Majestic Armor Set
The Renewed Armor Set is the next tier of the Solstice of Heroes gear set. Complete the following objectives based on your character class to upgrade to the Magnificent armor set.
- Helmet β Collect 1000 Elemental Orbs, complete 10 Gambit matches, defeat 1000 Guardians with an Arc weapon
- Gantelets β Complete 10 Heroic Public Events, Get 100 Ability Kills, Kill 20 Bosses
- chest armor β Get 600 kills in the Strikes playlist with a subclass matching the daily elemental bonus, defeat 300 kills, defeat 200 fighters
- leg armor β Get 2000 Elemental Finishers, Get 100 Solar Melee Finishers, Collect 300 Void Orbs from Strike Playlists
- Mark - 200 Elemental Orbs in European Aerial Zone, get 300 Solar Weapon Finishers, complete 5 patrols on Io
- Helmet β Get 2000 elemental final blows, get 300 arc weapon final blows, defeat 200 fighters
- Gantelets - Complete 10 Heroic Public Events, Collect 300 Arc Orbs, Defeat 300 Cabals
- chest armor β Collect 1000 Elemental Orbs, complete 10 Gambit matches, get 100 Void Grenade final hits
- leg armor β Get 600 kills in the Strikes playlist with a subclass matching daily elemental bonus, defeat 100 Guardians with Void weapons, get 100 ability kills
- Coat β Collect 200 elemental orbs in the European air zone, complete 5 patrols in the EDZ, kill 20 bosses
- Helmet β Get 600 kills in the Strikes playlist with a subclass matching the daily elemental bonus, collect elemental orbs in the European aerial zone, kill 20 bosses
- Gantelets β Collect 1000 elemental orbs, get 2000 elemental final blows, defeat 100 guardians with solar weapons
- chest armor β Get 300 Void Weapon kills, get 100 Ability kills, complete 10 Gambit matches
- leg armor β Defeat 300 Hive, collect 300 Solar Orbs in Strikes playlist, complete 10 Heroic Public Events
- Liaison β Get 150 Super Arc final blows, defeat 200 fighters, complete 5 patrols on Titan
How to Get Glimmers for the Magnificent Armor Set
After getting the Magnificent gear set, your only remaining goal is to unlock the Armor Glow effect. Complete the following objectives based on your character class to earn the White Armor Glow for Solstice of Heroes 2020.
- Helmet β Complete a Nightfall: The Ordeal Strike on Master difficulty
- Gantelets β Complete a nightmare hunt on the moon
- chest armor β Complete the Pit of Heresy dungeon on the moon
- leg armor β Win matches in Trials of Osiris
- Mark - Defeat the final boss in the Altars of Pain on the Moon
- Helmet β Complete a Nightfall: The Ordeal Strike on Master difficulty
- Gantelets β Complete a nightmare hunt on the moon
- chest armor β Complete the Pit of Heresy dungeon on the moon
- leg armor β Win matches in Trials of Osiris
- Mark - Defeat the final boss in the Altars of Pain on the Moon
- Helmet β Complete a Nightfall: The Ordeal Strike on Master difficulty
- Gantelets β Complete a nightmare hunt on the moon
- chest armor β Complete the Pit of Heresy dungeon on the moon
- leg armor β Win matches in Trials of Osiris
- Mark - Defeat the final boss in Altars of Pain on the Moom
Although you must upgrade your armor to Magnificent before the Solstice of Heroes event ends on September 8, you can continue working on your White Armor Glow Challenges even after the event ends. Winning the Majestic Armor Set will allow you to purchase a Universal Ornament Set from the Eververse Store for either Silver or Shiny Dust. This ornament changes your glow to match your subclass color, be it Solar, Arc, or Void. This light will also support the new Statis subclass when it launches with Destiny 2: Beyond Light later this fall. Unlike last year's event, you don't need to purchase individual pop colors. Also, Elemental Glow sets are universal ornaments, so you can apply them to any gear, not just your Solstice gear.