The Perfect Paradox returns in Destiny 2, and during the holiday season, you can grab this fully automatic shotgun by completing a few simple quests. Like all weapon quests, this can take a long time, so be prepared for lots and lots of enemies. It also helps to get a shotgun powerful enough for all the kills you'll need - here's an early warning, you'll need to get 1000 enemy kills for a single step of this quest. At least it's pretty easy.
Another returning special weapon from Destiny 1 is the Perfect Paradox. What makes it unique is the rapid-fire frame, turning that standard shotgun into a fully automatic killing machine pretty much. It even reloads faster when you empty the magazine, making it a pretty compelling weapon. It may not be an Exotic, but it's still worth buying for the season.
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How To Get The Perfect Paradox 2.0 Shotgun Exotic Quest Guide
To start this special exotic quest, you must complete the first Sundial Quest de Ikora et Osiris during Dawn Season 2019. Once the initial quest is complete, you can accept the quest "Finding the Past" d'Osiris.
Step 1: 0/3 Energy Patterns – Defeat Bosses
Very simple, just defeat three bosses anywhere. Go to any patrol or public event to take down bosses quickly. Defeat three to advance to the next stage. After that, return to Osiris for the next step.
Step 2: 0/1000 shotgun kills, 0/25 melee attacks
Grab your favorite shotgun and go hunting. Jump into Lost Sectors, Public Events, or fend off random enemies in the open to earn a total of 1 kills. Be sure to land a few melee attacks while you're at it.
Step 3: Full Pyramidion, weapon upgrades 0/5
Another step that takes time. This time, you'll need to complete the Pyramidion Strike, then collect 5 Weapon Enhancers - you'll earn them by completing Strikes, Crucible Matches, or Gambit Matches. After completing 5 Strikes/Crucible/Gambit matches, return to Osiris for the Perfect Paradox 2.0 Shotgun.
It may not be exotic, but it is a special shotgun worth collecting. And it's only available this winter.
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