Destiny 2 Beyond Light kicks off the final season of Bungie's massive shooter – hunting season – but interested guardians will not have until the end of time to complete its activities. When exactly does hunting season end and how long do players have to complete all the activities and loot on offer?
The hunting season in Destiny 2 Beyond Light ends on February 9, 2021.
Season of the Hunt will end next year in early February, giving Guardians around 90 days (depending on when you read this article) to farm all the new gear and complete their season pass. This matches Destiny 2's current seasonal cadence, and the next season will likely take place during the next maintenance. As of publication date, we still don't have a name for the season that will replace Season of the Hunt in Destiny 2 Beyond Light. This will likely be revealed in January as Bungie begins to hype things up.
There is still a lot to do. Upgrading the Seasonal Artifact and Pass works the same as in all previous Seasons, and the new Empire Hunts will keep Guardians busy until the toughest Hunts arrive on November 17 ( parallel to the seasonal mission). Of course, you must own the season to participate in the unique hunting season activities, which cost $10 on their own. Those interested in the raid, Deep Stone Crypt, will have to wait until November 21st.
Otherwise, there's plenty of free content available for everyone, so there's no rush to drop some cash on hunting season. Free players and those who simply own Destiny 2 Beyond Light will have access to Europa and the Cosmodrome, as well as new season armor and an Exotic weapon. The new Glassway Strike is also available to everyone, as are the Lost Sectors on Europe and Cosmodrome. Other than that, free players level their artifact the same as paid players, but they will miss the paid track rewards. Iron Banner and The Dawning, which debut on December 8 and 15 respectively, are also free for everyone.