With the new Season of the Chosen go hard in Destiny 2, we are left with many new activities to do, one being the exploitation of a certain resource. While Umbral Engrams, Season Pass Points, and more are worth watching, cabal gold is something we simply can't ignore, given how essential it is to upgrade our Hammer of Proof.
How to grow Cabal Gold, in the most efficient way possible.
The specific resource can be obtained through a number of instances and events. Namely Strikes, the Crucible, Gambit matches, Public Events and Blindwell waves in the Dreaming City. How much gold you earn depends solely on the activity itself and its difficulty. Strikes for example offer 14 Cabal Gold each, while others less and so on.
At the moment, it seems like the fastest way to amass a lot of gold as easily as possible is to Heroic Public Events. Completing these events rewards you with 8 Cabal Gold, which isn't a lot on the face of it, but considering how quickly you can complete these heroic events, you can gather a lot more within minutes/hours, if you decide to spend some time there. Personally, in 50 minutes I had almost a 3/4 tank of Cabal Gold.
Now, what are the best ones to grow, you ask? Well, Tangled Shore, EDZ and Nessus where you started this new “campaign”, are easily the best choices for heroic public events. This is due to the easy access to events there. It will take minimal effort to jump from one event to another, which also makes this process quite fun, without interrupting the action.
42 Cabal Gold is the maximum amount you can have at a time, which is certainly not a lot, but it is very likely that we will be able to increase this limit through rewards later. For now, if you want to collect as much gold as possible, make the most of your Hammer of Proof, and get plenty of Focused Umbral Engrams, this is the way to go.
Season of the Chosen currently lives Destiny 2.