The 30th Anniversary Update for Destiny 2 is slamming players with Bungie-bound nostalgia, throwing in Halo Magnums and Mythos: Fallen Lords swords. There are outfits, weapons, and more that nod to Bungie's long history in video game development, but Destiny fans are hungry for one thing in particular: the great return of the Gjallarhorn.
The legendary Exotic rocket launcher is available to unlock. In Destiny 1 Year 1, the Gjallarhorn was practically required for all high-level challenges. If you didn't pack a Gjallarhorn, you weren't invited to the party. Worse still, there hadn't been a Gjallarhorn Exotic quest until Destiny's Year 3 update. You just had to hope and pray for a drop. And many players have spent long hours in Crucible begging for an Exotic.
No need to worry about that here. Getting the Gjallarhorn is incredibly simple in Destiny 2. Here's how to complete the quest.
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How to get the Gjallarhorn | Exotic Rocket Launcher Guide
Talk to Shaw Han on Cosmodrome, Earth and accept the " And fly away wolves“Exotic quest.
Step 1: Complete the "Greed's Hold" dungeon.
Join a squad and complete the "Greed's Grasp" dungeon on Eternity. It's just a dungeon - not a raid - so you should have no problem going through it with friends. Completing this dungeon will reward you with a round pack of wolves. Once you get it, back to Shaw Han.
Step 2: Collect 7 Wolfpack Cartridges
Obtain 6 more Wolfpack rounds, go to Cosmodrome to hunt Fallen. Get off at Exodus Garden 2A Lost Sector. Complete the Lost Sector 3 times – you will get approximately 2 ~ Wolfpack Rounds per completion by defeating fallen elite enemies. They're random, so if you're really unlucky, you might have to play the Lost Sector a fourth time. Once you have collected the 7 cartridges, return to Shaw Han again.
Step 3: Visit Banshee-44 and complete the Lost Sector
Upon meeting Shaw Han, you will be rewarded with the Exotic Rocket Housing Part. Then go to Tower and talk to Banshee-44 the gunsmith. He will send you to a familiar place — the Exodus Garden 2A Lost Sector. Go to the Cosmodrome Lost Sector and complete it one more time. Naturally, you can do this solo. Collect the chest at the end to get the Exotic Coin Targeting System.
Step 4: Climb the Gjallarhorn
Return to Shaw Han's camp in the Cosmodrome and enter the building behind him. There is a Worktable you can use to wind up - you will receive the Gjallarhorn almost complete. Talk to Shaw Han one last time to get the Gjallarhorn Exotic Rocket Launcher. One of the best Exotics in the series is back, and getting it isn't even that hard. No endless grinding and praying for a drop this time around.