Reset your hard earned Valor Rank In Destiny 2 It may seem unnecessary to some, but it opens the door to powerful gear and exclusive weapons. The method of resetting your rank might not be immediately obvious to new players, but it's not difficult at all.
How do I reset my Valor Rank?
To reset your rank, you must first go to orbit. You can stay on a fireteam if you're already on it, but you can't participate in any activities when you reset your rank. Once in orbit, access the Crucible menu in the Director and hover over any Speed Play playlist. Then, hold the specified button (F on PC, Square on PS4, X on Xbox, and X on Stadia) to completely reset your Valor to zero. If you don't see the prompt, it's because your current Valor Rank isn't high enough. To qualify for a reset, you must accumulate 2000 Valor, which is the current cap.
Why should I reset my ranking?
Resetting your Valor Rank in Destiny 2 will reward you with powerful gear that drops to a higher Power Level than the Power Level you are currently at. However, it's not worth grinding 2000 Valor and resetting just for a powerful speed drop. It just takes too long. Fortunately, there are other reasons to reset your ranking.
Some Triumphs and quests require you to reset your Valor Rank, so if you're currently chasing some of Destiny 2's trickier weapons or just trying to complete your Triumphs, you'll need to reset from time to time. Weapons like Redrix's Broadsword, a powerful pulse rifle, can only be acquired by resetting your rank multiple times through a quest. Resetting your Valor Rank isn't something you'll do all the time in Destiny 2, but it's important to know how to do it when the time comes.