The last week of Destiny 2Seasonal challenges are upon us. This is the final set of challenges, although there are 118 days left in the Lost Season. Once these challenges are completed, players may experience some content drought in Destiny 2 until the 30th Anniversary Update in December. You may be able to take a little time to complete the Season of the Lost Seal or completely complete the Festival of the Lost seasonal event. Before all that, let's go over the last week of challenges and what you need to do.
Week 10 challenges for Season of the Lost
- Techeun's ruse: Fully upgrade Barrier Breach, True Sight, and Safe Passage abilities. (Rewards approximately 100 XP and a level of Wayfinder Compass Calibration.)
- Quick igniter: Complete the Legendary Shattered Kingdom activity in under 25 minutes. (Rewards approximately 50 XP and one level of Wayfinder Compass Calibration.)
- Cold daylight: Defeat combatants with solar abilities, stasis abilities, or shatter damage. Quickly defeating fighters with Supers grants bonus progression. (Rewards approximately 100 XP and a level of Wayfinder Compass Calibration.)
- Show supremacy: Obtain the Vanguard Ornament for Ascendancy. (Rewards around 200 XP, 000 Bright Dust and Planestrider.)
- Dream City Defense: Push back the grip of Xivu Arath in the Dreaming City by completing Bounties, Patrols, Public Events and Lost Sectors (Rewards approximately 50 XP and 000 Bright Dust.)
Once you complete these challenges as well as all of the challenges from the other week, you will be able to claim the Master of All seasonal challenge. Completing this challenge will net you a large pile of Bright Dust worth 4 Bright Dust. While this may be the end of Destiny 000's Seasonal Challenges, there's still plenty to do while we wait for the 2th Anniversary Update. You can try to complete the Season of the Lost Seal and earn the Relmwalker title. This will give you plenty to do as you try to complete a Legendary Astral Alignment and the Legendary Shattered Realm Branches.
If you don't care about the seal, you could spend some time reducing all of your characters to at least 1330 light level gear in all of their slots. Although the maximum light level this season is over 1330, getting all your gear to that level will give you a head start next season. You can also level up your Seasonal Artifact so you have the max light level to enter the new dungeon coming with the 30th Anniversary Update. If you need additional help with Destiny 2 content, be sure to check out our other guides for the game.
Destiny 2 is available for PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PC and Stadia.