Librarian reputation in the Codex in Shadowlands patch 9.1 is fairly easy to chase, but it will take a lot of traditional grinding to max out. There are no daily or weekly quests tied to the Librarian's Codex reputation farm; Other than 20 unique quests, you won't spend much of this reputation farm quest. You'll need to kill, loot, and kill some more to build your reputation with the Librarian's Codex.
Increase your reputation with the Librarian's Codex in Shadowlands by looting Relics and Relic Fragments from treasures and slain enemies.
Your reputation with the Librarian's Codex increases by acquiring Relics and Relic Fragments found throughout Korthia. These can be found in treasure troves, on rare creatures, and sometimes as quest rewards from Death's Advance Korthia dailies. As for the Librarian's Codex itself, there are no dailies or weeklies to fill out for your reputation in Shadowlands Patch 9.1. Instead, they have 20 unique quests that unlock slowly as you explore Korthia and increase your reputation with the faction.
Each unique quest will reward you with a single relic which will earn you 500 reputation with the Librarian's Codex. Outside of these quests, you'll need to collect random relics from hoards and creatures in Korthia to increase your Librarian's reputation in the Codex. Relic Fragments are the easiest to find, and they each grant 1 cataloged search.
Wait, cataloged research? Yes, Librarian's Codex reputation is earned by turning in relics for cataloged research, at a rate of 2:1 (so for every 2 cataloged searches you gain, you gain 1 reputation point). Besides Relic Fragments, there are various different Relics that reward more cataloged research and, in turn, more reputation with the Librarian's Codex in Shadowlands.
- 8 Cataloged research
- Ruined Stone Tablet, Etched Glass, Corroded Ancient Idol, Rune Diagram, Oddly Intricate Key, Unearthed Teleporter Seal, Vial of Mysterious Liquid
- 48 Cataloged Research
- Complicated Organisms Harmonizer, Encrypted Korthian Journal, Enigmatic Map Fragments, Faded Razorwing Anatomy Illustration, Half-Completed Runeforge Pattern, Scroll of Shadowlands Fables, Talon of the White Razorwing
- 100 searches cataloged
- Blueprints of Forbidden Weapons, Korthian Cypher Book, Recovered Voices Page, Torn Cosmology Chart, Shattered Void Tablet
- 150 searches cataloged
- Shattered Void Tablet, Old God Sample Jar, Confusing Rune Cube, Tattered Fairy Designs
- 300 searches cataloged
- Tattered Maps of Azgoth, Core of an Unknown Titan, Displaced Relic, Maldraxxus Larva Shell
Naturally, the stronger the enemy, the better relics they will drop. If you see a star on the map, that enemy will likely drop one of the best relics, so wait for a party to form or create one yourself. Farming more Cataloged Research doesn't just benefit your Librarian's reputation in the Codex in Shadowlands - it allows you to upgrade your Korthian Catch-up gear, so you'll need a lot of resources.
To facilitate the reputation of the Librarian's Codex, purchase the Research Report: All-Seeing Crystal from the faction vendor, Roh-Suir, as soon as you reach Rank 2 with the Librarian's Codex. This item will highlight Korthia mobs that drop relics, so you can focus your farm just on them and alleviate some of the randomness associated with this faction grind in Shdaowlands.
Since the Archivist's Codex does not use the usual "Friendly, Honored, etc." reputation system, here are their reputation ranks and how much reputation you will need to reach each one:
- Level 1 - 0
- Level 2 - 3000
- Level 3 β 4
- Level 4 - 6500
- Level 5 - 11000
- Level 6 - 16
World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Patch 9.1, Chains of Domination will launch on June 29 (NA) and June 30 (EU).