World of Warcraft: Shadowlands pre-expansion 9.0.1 update brings with it a multitude of class changes, and the Moine was no exception. Many classes will find some of their most popular abilities that were removed many expansions ago, and their skill acquisition adjusted due to the huge level reduction introduced in this same update.
Not all classes received massive tweaks, but Monk certainly saw a fair amount of class changes (although it's safe to say these weren't the ones he actually needed. Update 9.0.1 .XNUMX For the full patch notes, be sure to check out the link here, where additional class changes are listed.
Monk - Shadowlands Update 9.0.1 Class Changes
- Leg sweep radius increased to 6 meters (was 5 meters).
- Monk Serenity Peak illumination buff now grants rested experience (was an experience bonus)
- Spinning Crane Kick now limited to 6 targets.
- All Monks can now use the following abilities:
- Expel Damage β Expel negative chi from your body, healing yourself and inflicting 10% of the amount healed as nature damage to an enemy within 8 yards. Now has a 15 second cooldown.
- Spinning Crane Kick β Spin while kicking in the air, dealing physical damage over 1,5 seconds to enemies within 8 yards.
- Touch of Death β You exploit the enemy target's weakest point, instantly killing creatures if they have less health than you. Deals damage equal to 35% of your maximum health against stronger players and creatures with less than 15% health and has a 3 minute cooldown.
- Fortifying Brew β Turns your skin to stone for 15 seconds, increasing your current and maximum health by 15% and reducing all damage you take by 15%.
- New Passive: Shuffle β Niuzao's teachings allow you to shuffle during combat, increasing your Stagger's effectiveness by 75%. Shuffle is granted by attacking enemies with your Keg Smash, Blackout Kick, and Spinning Crane Kick.
- New Ability: Celestial Brew (replaces Ironskin Brew) β A potent sip of brew that fuses purified chi leaking from your body into a celestial guard, absorbing damage. Additionally, Purifying Stagger damage increases absorption by up to 200%. Stacks up to 10 times at 20% absorbency per stack.
- Summon Niuzao, Black Ox is no longer a Talent and is learned by all Brewmaster Monks at level 42. Niuzao no longer taunts the target and now has a 25 second duration (up from 45 seconds).
- Purifying Brew now has 2 charges (was 3), no longer shares charges with other Brews, and has the additional effect β Increases the absorption of your next Celestial Brew by up to 200%, based on your level Current Stagger.
- Expel Damage now has an additional effect - Cooldown is reduced by 10 seconds and draws positive chi from all your healing spheres to increase the healing done by Expelling Damage.
- Blackout Strike renamed to Blackout Kick and now grants Shuffle for 3 seconds.
- Keg Smash now reduces Brew's cooldown by 3 seconds (was 4 seconds) and has an additional effect: Grants Brew for 5 seconds.
- Spinning Crane Kick has an additional effect - Dealing damage with Spinning Crane Kick grants melee for 1 second and causes your Gift of the Ox healing spheres to travel to your location.
- Blackout Kick can now be used with dual-wield weapons.
- Breath of Fire and Keg Smash now deal reduced damage to secondary targets.
- Fortifying Brew cooldown is now 6 minutes (was 7 minutes).
- The following talents have been adjusted.
- New Talent: Explosive Keg β Launches a flaming barrel at the target location, inflicting Fire damage to nearby enemies and causing them to miss their melee attacks for the next 3 seconds.
- New Talent: Heavenly Flames (Replaces Guard) β Drinking Brews has a 30% chance to cover the Monk in Heavenly Flames for 6 seconds, increasing Breath of Fire damage reduction by 5%. Spinning Crane Kick also causes a fire blast on targets.
- Light Brewing has been redesigned β Reduces the cooldown of Purifying Brew and Celestial Brew by 20%.
- Black Ox Brew now also resets the cooldown of Celestial Brew.
- Special Delivery now occurs on all of your Infusions.
- Searing Jade Wind now capped at 6 targets.
- New Ability: Summon Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent - Summons an effigy of Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent for 25 seconds. Yu'lon now idles near the mistweaver and casts a soothing breath at an injured target, healing the target and up to 2 injured allies nearby. Soothing Breath gains Soothing Mist bonuses, similar to summoning a Jade Serpent Statue.
- The following talents have been adjusted.
- Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane has been redesigned β Summon Chi-Ji, the Red Crane, and become immune to movement effects for 25 seconds. Chi-Ji unleashes flurries of mist with your Concealing Kick, Rising Sun Kick, and Spinning Crane Kick, healing up to 2 allies and reducing the cost and cast time of your next Enveloping Mist 33%, cumulative 3 times. Chi-Ji now assists the Monk and deals melee damage.
- Mana Tea's duration has been reduced to 10 seconds (was 12 seconds) and it no longer has a global cooldown.
- Fists of Fury can now be used with a two-handed weapon.
- Touch of Death now has a 3 minute cooldown (up from 2).
- Summon Xuen, White Tiger is no longer a Talent and learned by all Windwalker Monks at level 42. Duration increased to 24 seconds (was 20 seconds).
- Spinning Crane Kick damage increased up to 6 Mark of the Crane debuffs inflicted on targets (was 5).
- Storm, Earth, and Fire no longer have a global cooldown.
- Fists of Fury is now capped at 6 targets.
- The following talents have been adjusted.
- Serenity and Energizing Elixir no longer have a global cooldown.
- Searing Jade Wind now capped at 6 targets.
- PvP Talent Changes:
- Reverse Harm has been redesigned β Now a passive that increases the healing done by your Expel Harm by 100% and causes it to generate 2 Chi when used.
- Pressure Points have been redesigned β Touch of Karma cooldown is reduced by 60 seconds when a player is killed by Touch of Death.