World of Warcraft Shadowlands not even a month old yet, but the first wave of class adjustments featured in recent patch went live with this week's reset. Technically speaking, the Shadowlands patches that rolled out on December 11 and December 14 contained these class adjustments, but none of them went into effect until the weekly reset for each region (which was December 15 in the States -United).
Below is the full list of World of Warcraft Shadowlands patch notes for December 14 and 11, containing all class adjustments and other changes made. To sum up the class tweaks in these patches: they're all officially live as of December 15, and the top three DPS have all seen nerfs. Unholy Death Knights was the hardest hit, which was to be expected. Classes have also been adjusted for PvP, Castle Nathria raid bosses have changed some of their mechanics, and Torghast has received some balancing tweaks.
As a main warrior, I'm not entirely thrilled with our "buffs", but I can't fault Blizzard for sorting things out slowly. While I would love a substantial damage boost, I also don't want to be crushed into oblivion by the nerf hammer. As a final comment: the notes for Shadowlands Patch 15 haven't gone live yet, but we do have the PvP class adjustments. Once the full December 15 patches are listed, I'll update this article to include them.
World of Warcraft Shadowlands class adjustments and fixes for the week of December 15, 2020.
player versus player
Demon Hunter
- (Conducted) The effect of Unnatural Malice is reduced by 50% in PvP.
- Esoteric
- (Legendary) Arcane Harmony can only max out at 10 stacks in PvP (down from 15).
- (Conduit) Reverb effectiveness reduced by 50% when in combat with enemy players (was a 30% reduction).
- (Kyrian Covenant) Echo Rebuke initial damage reduced by 50% when in combat with enemy players.
- Assassination
- Nightstalker increases damage dealt while Stealth is active by 25% (was 50%).
- Subtlety
- Cold One (PvP Talent) damage is now properly reduced by effects such as Versatility.
- Shadow Blades now deal 30% more damage to enemy players (was 40% more damage).
- Nightstalker increases damage dealt while Stealth or Shadow Dance is active by 8% when engaged in combat with enemy players (was 12%).
Soulbind Pelagos
- Combat Meditation mastery value reduced by 50% in PvP and duration increased by 50% in PvP.
December 14, 2020
Death Knight
- Impious
- [With regional restarts] Mastery: Dreadblade effectiveness reduced by 20%.
- [With regional restarts] Balance of All Things (Legendary Effect) now causes Eclipse to increase your critical strike chance with Arcane or Nature spells by 40%, decreasing by 8% every 1 second (instead of 50% crit, decreasing by 10% per second).
- Balance
- [With regional restarts] Starfall damage reduced by 6%.
- Marksmanship
- [[With regional restarts] Aimed shot damage reduced by 5%.
- [[With regional restarts] Arcane Shot damage reduced by 5%.
- [With regional restarts]Arcane Harmony (legendary effect) now gains up to 10 stacks in PvP (up from 15).
- Faeline Stomp (Night Fae ability) now correctly disappears from view for friendly players other than the casting Monk.
- Mistweaver
- Fixed an issue that could prevent summoning the Jade Serpent Statue (Talent) from casting a soothing mist.
- [[With regional restarts] Reverberation (Kyrian Conduit) effectiveness reduced by 50% when engaged in combat with enemy players (was 30%).
- [With regional restarts] Echo Rebuke (Kyrian ability) initial damage reduced by 50% when in combat with enemy players.
- Assassination
- [With regional restarts] Nightstalker (Talent) increases damage dealt while Stealth is active by 25% (was 50%).
- Subtlety
- [[With regional restarts] Cold Blooded (PvP Talent) damage is now correctly reduced by effects such as Versatility.
- [With regional restarts] Nightstalker (Talent) increases damage dealt while Stealth or Shadow Dance is active by 8% when fighting enemy players (was 12%).
- [With regional restarts] Shadow Blades now deals 30% more damage to enemy players (was 40%).
- Elementary
- Echoes of Great Crossing (Legendary Effect) buff duration increased to 25 seconds (was 15 seconds).
Wedding rings
- [With regional restarts] Battle Meditation (Pelagos Soulbind) Mastery value reduced by 50% in PvP and duration increased by 50% in PvP.
- [With regional reboots] Nemea has finished raising a new generation of larions who have taken up residence in areas near Fort Elysian in Bastion to provide flight to and from the cargo bay for Kyrian Covenant members.
Dungeons and Raids
Natria Castle
- The Sun King's Salvation
- Fixed an issue where the encounter would sometimes not end correctly.
- Father Denathrius
- Fixed an issue where Remornia's Massacre ability had a very low chance of failing.
On the other side
- Improved readability of Skeletal Warlord's Undying Rage.
- Decreased the size of the Enraged Spirit's Enraged Mask, gameplay remains the same.
- Added a visual effect for Night Fae players to indicate the haunted urn radius.
- Mueh'zala
- Fixed an issue where Mojo Infusion was affected by a player's haste when releasing Bwonsamdi from Primeval Grasp.
Sanguine depths
- General Kaal
- Fixed an issue where his platform door could get stuck and lock players after a wipe.
Items and Rewards
- Fixed an issue that caused the Strength Multiplier Weapon Enchantment to increase in potency as a player's level increased from 50 to 60. The strength of this enchantment is now correctly capped at level 50.
- Fixed an issue that caused some players who did not join the Venthyr Alliance to receive Court of Embers items from the Revendreth Calling Tribute, Favor of the Court.
- Increased the visibility of posed Venthyr dancers created from Macabre Sheet Music.
player versus player
- [With regional restarts]Battle for Azeroth Call to Arms quests award reduced Honor.
- Due to the relatively fast pace of PvP combat in Shadowlands, dampening will no longer start at 20% in the 2v2 Arena. Damping is applied immediately in 2v2 and after 5 minutes in 3v3.
Son of Destiny
- Fixed an issue where the discount marker for the “Support the Court” quest was in the wrong place for Night Fae players who completed the quest at level 60.
The mouth: the eye of the jailer
- Ve'nari's Persistent Cloak buff has been limited to War Mode only.
- Changed the visuals associated with Ve'nari's Enduring Cloak and Edict of the Eternals to make them less overwhelming when active.
- Fixed an issue where Hunts would sometimes not progress to the next stage.
- Fixed an issue where players were redirected to a distant graveyard when freeing their spirit in Perdition Hold.
- Sounds associated with entering The Maw of Oribos are now an optional experience.
- [With regional restarts] Particularly puny Maw creatures no longer drop Stygia.
- [With regional restarts]Elite Maw mobs now drop additional Stygia.
Torghast, tower of the damned
- [With regional restarts] Enemy health has been increased for healer specializations and enemy physical damage has been increased for tank specializations. These changes are intended for solo players and have a reduced effect when in a group.
- [With regional restarts] Enemy health and damage increased on floors 2, 4 and 5.
- [With regional reboots]Dark Ascended Corrus, Warden Skoldus, and Cellblock Sentinel have received minor ability and health adjustments to bring them more in line with other bosses.
Anima Powers
- Fixed an issue where a player with Replenish Orb could have more than 6 Healing Orbs at a time.
- Venthyr
- [With regional restarts] Whispering Shawl now causes Shadow Gate to increase your chance to dodge by 40% (was 20%) for 20 seconds (was 15 seconds). Obtainable 2 times (instead of 3).
- night fae
- [With regional restarts]Clinging Fog now causes Flicker to reduce enemy movement speed by 70% (was 30%). Obtained 1 time (instead of 3) and it will appear as a choice a little less often.
- Druid
- [With regional restarts] A chain of fangs and talons can be obtained 3 times (down from 5).
- [With regional restarts]Steelwood Slab can be obtained 3 times (down from 5).
- [With regional restarts] Writings of Lycara grants 140 of a secondary stat (was 43). Obtained 3 times (instead of 5).
- [With regional restarts]Bottle of Moonshine can be obtained 2 times (instead of 1).
- Midnight Flame Draft now properly grants its damage and healing while Moonfire is active on 3 targets.
- hunter
- [[With regional restarts] The Amplifying Mirror increases your misdirected target's damage by 50% (was 20%). Obtainable 2 times (instead of 5).
- [[With regional restarts] Necrotic Venom damage increased to 50% (was 30%). Obtainable 2 times (instead of 3).
- [With regional restarts] Emblem Euphoria reduces the cooldown of Exalted by 30 seconds (was 20 seconds). Obtainable 2 times (instead of 3).
- [With regional restarts] Bone Barbs increases Kill Shot damage by 100% (was 20%). Obtained 2 times (instead of 1).
- [With regional restarts] Armor Piercing Scope increases damage dealt to Hunter's Mark target by 15% (was 10%). Obtainable 2 times (instead of 3).
- [[With regional restarts] Damage dealt to Neural Pet Enhancer pets under the effects of Eyes of the Beast has been increased to 500% (was 200%). Obtainable 1 time (instead of 3).
- [With regional restarts] The damage reduction from cadaver studs now also applies to your pets. The tooltip will be updated in a future patch.
- stomach
- [With regional restarts] Constellation Shield damage reduction increased to 20% (was 15%). Obtained 3 times (instead of 4).
- [[With regional restarts] Resolute Medallion absorb amount increased to 70% (was 40%). Obtained 3 times (instead of 5).
- [With regional restarts] Runecloth wrapper damage increased when casting Arcane Explosion, Fireball, and Frostbolt in Invisible reduced to 500% (was 2000%). Obtained 3 times (instead of 10).
- [[With regional restarts] Pandemonium Lens no longer increases the radius of Flamestrike, Blizzard, and Arcane Explosion. Now increases Flamestrike, Blizzard, and Arcane Blast damage by 15%. Obtained 3 times (instead of 5).
- [With regional restarts] Seeker Scroll now always increases your Fireball, Frostbolt, and Arcane Explosion damage (was only your next cast). Fireball, Frostbolt, and Arcane Explosion damage per stack reduced to 2% (was 10%). Stackable 100 times. Obtainable 1 time (instead of 10).
- [With regional restarts]Everwarm Socks now also heals 60% of your maximum health for the duration of Ice Block.
- Paladin
- [[With regional restarts]Old Order Order can be obtained 3 times (instead of 5).
- [With regional restarts]Blood Beacon can be obtained 3 times (down from 5).
- [[With regional restarts] Shattered Gauntlet can be obtained 3 times (down from 5).
- [With regional restarts] Defiled Prayer Beads now correctly affect Blessing of Seasons. Obtainable 2 times (instead of 3).
- [With regional restarts] Radiant Essence increases damage taken from Forbearance by 15% (was 25%). Obtainable 2 times (instead of 3).
- [[With regional restarts]Chime's Ember can be obtained 2 times (down from 4).
- [With regional restarts] Hallowed Candle now deals 30% more Relic Cinder damage or healing (was 50%).
- [[With regional restarts] Golden Plume increases the effects of Vengeful Wrath by 60% (was 100%).
- Priest
- [With regional restarts] Mask of Pure Terror damage required to break Psychic Scream increased to 400% (was 300%). Obtained 3 times (instead of 10).
- [With regional restarts]Painwheel now causes Shadow Word: Pain to deal 25% more damage. Obtained 5 times (instead of 10).
- [With regional restarts] Vandal's Zeal has been redesigned and now deals 1% Mind Blast and Holy Fire damage to you per Phylactery destroyed, up to a maximum of 40%. Obtainable 1 time.
- [With regional restarts]Enemies affected by Pandemonium now run away much slower.
- [With regional restarts]Soul Sapper causes Power Infusion cooldown to recover 200% faster (was 100%).
- [With regional restarts] Fragments of Darkness now allows Fade to grant freedom to reduce movement reduction abilities and increase movement speed by 40% (which prevents movement speed from being reduced below 80%). Additional charges of this power only further reduce Fade's cooldown.
- Naughty
- Fixed an issue where the effect of the Draped Prism Shawl would not increase when gaining multiples of this Anima Power.
- Chaman
- [With regional restarts] Howling Winds reduce Wind Shear cooldown by 4 seconds (was 3 seconds) Obtained 2 times (was 3 times).
- [With regional restarts] Sleeping Earth reduces earth elemental cooldown by 40% (was 20%). Obtainable 2 times (instead of 4).
- [With regional restarts] Riding the Storm increases Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning damage by 50% (was 30%). Obtained 3 times (instead of 5).
- [With regional restarts] Essence of the Ancestors now grants 15% additional haste to Bloodlust (down from 10%). Obtained 3 times (instead of 5).
- [With regional restarts] Elemental Core now requires 20 stacks to reduce the cooldown of Lava Burst or Stormstrike by 50% (was 50 stacks) and the damage increase per stack is now 3% (was from 1%).
- [[With regional restarts] Lilypad leeches damage increased by 50%. Obtainable 1 time (instead of 3).
- [With regional restarts] Cauldron Flames now deal 40% more frequent Flamestrike damage (was 20%). Obtainable 2 times (instead of 3).
- [With regional restarts] Tsunami Relic increases healing spell casting speed by 50% (was 20%). Obtainable 2 times (instead of 5).
- [[With regional restarts] Fixed an issue where Deathseer's Satchel would not drop a Liquid Magma Totem.
- warlock
- [With regional restarts] Bloodstained Dagger pet damage reduction increased to 35% (was 10%). Obtainable 1 time (instead of 3).
- [With regional restarts] Claw of Endereth drains health 25% faster (was 10%). Obtainable 2 times (instead of 7).
- [[With regional restarts]Hellfire Pact increases the damage of summoned demons by 50% (was 25%). Obtained 3 times (instead of 10).
- [With regional reboots] Thickness Pact primary summoned demon health increased to 50% (was 25%). Obtained 3 times (instead of 10).
- [With regional restarts]Thirsty Chain increases Drain Life healing by 40% (was 20%). Obtainable 2 times (instead of 10).
- [With regional restarts] The Warlock Bargain has been revamped and now grants the Warlock 20% haste at the cost of 10% Warlock health.
- [[With regional restarts] Dissolving Vial now also makes instant Corruption for Demonology and Destruction Warlocks. For all three Warlock specializations, it now also increases Corruption damage by 100%.
- warrior
- [With regional restarts] Bloodstained Whetstone increases Whirlwind and Thunderclap damage by 50% (was 30%). Obtained 3 times (instead of 5).
- [With regional restarts] The Champion's Decree increases the damage of the next Vengeance or Shock by 50% (down from 20%). The effect stacks up to 40 (instead of 100). Obtained 3 times (instead of 5). This power will appear as a choice a little less often.
- [With regional restarts] Succulent Carpaccio can be obtained 3 times (down from 5).
- [[With regional restarts]Soul Nails can be obtained 3 times (down from 5).
- [With regional restarts]Resonant Throat Bands increase damage taken by 30% (down from 20%). Obtained 3 times (instead of 5).
- [With regional restarts]Zovaal's Banner of War increases the duration of major cooldowns by 60% (was 40%). Obtained 3 times (instead of 5).
- [With regional restarts] Scratched Knife increases the damage of the first smashing throw on each floor by 4000% (was 10000%). No longer works against bosses.
- warlock
- Demonology
- [[With regional restarts] Demonic Consumption (Talent) bonus damage will now only apply to a single Demonic Tyrant when summoned in Torghast, rather than all Demonic Tyrants.
- Demonology
World Quests
- Fixed an issue where ordering Gatamatos to search an area would fail to break stealth during the Bastion World Quest “Training Regimen”.
December 11, 2020
- Players who die during the Stone Legion Generals encounter in Castle Nathria will now correctly earn the Feed Me, Seymour! achievement with the rest of their raid.
Tank Specializations
- [[With regional restarts]Threat generation for all tanks has been increased by 10%.
Death Knight
- You sang
- [[With regional restarts]Blood Boil damage increased by 10%.
- [[With regional restarts] Heart Strike damage increased by 15%.
- [[With regional restarts] Marrow damage increased by 10%.
- [[With regional restarts]Death Strike damage increased by 5%.
- Impious
- [With regional restarts] Mastery: Dreadblade effectiveness reduced by 15%
Demon Hunter
- Ravage
- [[With regional restarts] All damage abilities increased by 5%.
- Assassination
- [[With regional restarts] All damage abilities increased by 5%.
- Restauration
- [[With regional restarts] All healing abilities reduced by 4%.
- [[With regional restarts] Rain healing reduced by an additional 10%.
- Destruction
- [[With regional restarts] Chaos Bolt damage increased by 22%.
- Arms
- [[With regional restarts] Mortal Strike damage increased by 20%. Damage reduced by an equivalent amount in PvP.
- [With regional restarts]Slam (Rank 3) now increases Slam damage by 50% (was 25%).
- Fury
- [[With regional restarts] All damage abilities increased by 5%.
Wedding rings
- Kyrian
- Captured forgehands should be more reliable during the “Keepers of a Feather” quest.
- Fixed an issue where Sika could disappear during the Kyrian Alliance campaign chapter “Phaestus, Genesis of Aeons”.
- Venthyr
- Fixed an issue where if players disconnected while trying to enter the Ember Court scenario, they could not re-enter for the week.
Creatures and NPCs
- NPCs who comment on your alliance choice will now do so less frequently.
- Fixed an issue where Sanngror the Torturer would sometimes get stuck.
Dungeons and Raids
- Natria Castle
- [[With regional restarts] Fixed a bug that was causing extra loot to drop unintentionally from bosses on Normal and Heroic difficulty.
- Fixed an issue that prevented many non-boss NPCs in Nathria Castle from increasing their health and damage as the raid size increased. Base health of non-boss NPCs before scaling reduced by 10%.
- Altimor Hunter
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from entering the Huntsman Altimor area after completing the Artificer Xy'mox or Sun King's Salute encounters.
- The Sun King's Salvation
- Increase the care provided by the infuser benefit to 200% per cumulation in normal and heroic difficulty (instead of 50%).
- Reduced maximum number of Infuser Perk stacks to 5 on Normal and Heroic difficulty (down from 10).
- Essence Overflow now heals Kael'thas Sunstrider for 1,5% of his maximum health on Normal and Heroic difficulty (down from 1%).
- Sludgefist
- Updated Stonequake's ground visual effect to be more visible.
- The screen effect for standing players in Stonequake has been changed.
- Falling Rubble occurrences for the duration of the encounter reduced by 25% on all difficulties.
- The number of players affected by Chain Link has been reduced and no longer scales with the number of pillars destroyed on Normal and Heroic difficulty.
- Sludgefist health reduced by 12% on Normal difficulty.
- Father Denathrius
- Warlock Corruption will no longer be removed from enemies when using teleporters.
Items and Rewards
- [With daily resets] The Eternal Palace weapon percentage-based proc effects Diver's Folly, Dream's End, and Orgozoa's Paralytic Barb no longer work for players above level 50.
- Sanguifang's Pulsing Canine damage has been reduced and can no longer be used against enemy players.
- Shadowghast Ingot can now be placed in mining bags.
- Consummation Infusion Jewel is now also triggered by damage abilities, allowing mistweaver abilities such as Rising Sun Kick to trigger it.
- Fixed an issue where the Soul Igniter trinket would not allow another trinket to be used while in use.
- Eternal Stats and Holy Stats Chest enchant tooltips now correctly reflect that they affect the primary stat and not all stats.
- Players who cannot complete “The Sweetest Tribute” due to a Ripe Purian already appearing in the Tribute Tray must abandon the quest and then speak to Elios to restart it.
Torghast, tower of the damned
- Fixed an issue where enemies affected by the Blinding Smoke Pod debuff would engage in combat with the player if they got too close but did not attack them.
- Torghast minions should be less likely to hit players with volley type abilities they are not in combat with.
- Torments
- Eye of Skoldus and Fracking Forces no longer spawn assassins on boss floors.
- Breath of Coldheart bonus health per stack reduced to 3% of max health (was 5%).
Anima Powers
- Echoing Mawfang damage reduced to 2% of target's maximum health (down from 10%).
- Frostchipper damage reduced to 5% of target's current health (down from 20%).
- Buffs provided by Dark Fortress and Fallen Armaments now stack to 5 (was 10).
World Quests
- Demonologists and Beast Mastery Hunters will now receive Kyrian aid during the Bastion World quest “Aerial Supremacy”.
Application WoW Companion
- Fixed an issue where some players on iPhone 11 and 12 could not access Guilds and Communities.
- Various bug fixes and improvements on iOS. All users will need to reset their settings.