As players continue to explore Season of Torment content, Bungie teams have opened the doors to the new "Duality" dungeon in Destiny 2. tortured spirit of Emperor Cabal "Calus". If this dungeon requires more than ever a good dose of coordination to overcome all the trials inside, it is also the opportunity to leave with an incredible exotic weapon and its catalyst, the Cardiombre sword.
The weapon has an interesting intrinsic attribute, with unearthing, the heavy attacks you do when the sword's energy is at its maximum makes you invisible and causes explosive projectiles.
What do you need to do to get Cardiombre Exotic Sword in Destiny 2 Season of Torment:
Unfortunately, obtaining the sword is based on luck! Indeed, you will have to complete the "Duality" dungeon with your group and cross your fingers so that the weapon appears on your screen once the final boss is defeated... Fortunately, you can increase the appearance rate of the Cardiombre sword by Interesting you in the Seals of Triumph found in your Guardian's menu.
Locate the Challenges related to the Dungeon of Duality, and you'll see that three of the Triumphs have a reward that increases the spawn rate of the Cardiombre Exotic. These are the “Mind Holdup” Triumph which requires you to steal Calus' repressed memories, the “Thought Thief (Solo)” Seal which requires you to complete all encounters in the “Duality” dungeon in single player and “ Thought Thief Mastery” or you must complete the Duality dungeon on Mastery difficulty.
★ Tip – When you are in the Duality dungeon, don't forget to collect the contents of the hidden chests, one in the room after the encounter with Gahlran's nightmare and the other in a room just before the encounter with the nightmare of Caiatl.
How to get Cardiombre Exotic Sword Catalyst in Destiny 2:
The Cardiombre Catalyst can be obtained by returning to the "Duality" dungeon once you have unlocked the sword. In the dungeon, you will need to locate three special enemies with yellow health bars, the "failed assassins". Be careful though, these three enemies will only appear if at least one member of your team has the sword on him. You'll need to hunt down Ka'nok's Nightmare the First of the Failed Assassins, then Regor's Nightmare, the Second Failed Assassin, and finally Hou'dal's Nightmare the Last of the Failed Assassins.
Each time you kill one, it will drop a Standard Essence that looks like a Spectral Staff with a Chalice in its center. You need to pick it up and plant it on special plates that are nearby. Be careful, if you die while carrying the essence of the standard, the latter is lost. Failed assassins do not reappear, which in this case will force you to start the "Duality" dungeon again.
When you have planted the three essences of standards on their respective bases, you will obtain the Cardiombre exotic sword catalyst which has the effect of increasing the ammo reserve of your sword and which allows you to move faster when you you are invisible.