The Dragon Ball series is full of many different characters to play, with Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot also offering several different characters to play. However, the game is limited in who you can play most of the time, with the narrative being based on the existing story everyone knows by now. There are still a few times when you can change your characters and this guide will tell you when and how.
How to change character
As you play through the game's first arc, there are only three playable characters with Goku, Gohan, and Piccolo, along with a few supporting characters. As you play as each of these three characters, the game entirely dictates who you control at the time.
Things eventually change after you complete the first arc and reach what is known as your first intermission. Visiting Kame House during Intermission unlocks the ability to switch characters in your party through the pause menu.
By selecting “Party” from the pause menu, you can then select your main character to fight with, as well as two support characters. Some characters are limited to support only, like Krillin when you first get this option. Considering almost everyone is dead or badly injured besides those two characters in the first Intermission, you're still pretty locked in with who you can use.
The next story segment, Evil Emperor Frieza, once again locks down who you use for story purposes. Subsequent intermissions open up your party a lot more, though, so you'll need to play a while before you have more freedom over who you can use.