At the very beginning of Dragon Ball Z, Gohan is just a kid who never had to fend for himself. Suddenly, Gohan is kidnapped, his father dies sacrificing himself to save Gohan, and Gohan is kidnapped by Piccolo to train. Piccolo leaves Gohan in the wild to see if he can survive before training him, leaving Gohan needing to find food. One of those food sources are the many dinosaurs in the area and this guide will tell you how to eliminate them.
How to beat the dinosaurs
When you fight your first dinosaur as Gohan, you don't even have the ability to fly yet. This limits you to dinosaurs on the ground, just like the one you see above.
Unlike in combat, you can't just run around and try to melee attack the dinosaur. Instead, you need to grab his attention with a ki blast and keep attacking him with ki blasts. However, hitting it with a ki blast requires an extra step outside of battle.
You can't just press Square on PS4 to fire a ki blast at the dinosaur. Outside of battle, you must first hold L2 to bring up a crosshair on the screen that you can aim at the dinosaur, then press Square.
Once you hit the dinosaur it will get angry very quickly and start charging at you. Keep attacking and dodging when he gets too close. Even if it hits you, you'll be fine. Just keep firing ki blasts in the same way until he's down and you'll soon have dinosaur meat in your hands.
β This article was last updated on: January 21, 2020