Although not as prevalent as they were a few years ago, pre-order bonuses are still very present in today's gaming landscape. Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is one of the games that includes such content, giving players a sub-quest, early access to training, and an additional cooking item. When first starting the game, players may get confused on how to access this content, so this guide will tell you how you can access this additional content.
How to get pre-order DLC
Pre-ordering Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot brings some special bonuses that you can redeem in two ways. Those who purchase the game physically will receive codes for them, while those who purchased the game digitally will see content added automatically.
The first pre-order bonus is a special sub-quest known as “A Competitive Game with Friends, which gives you a chance to take on some of the other Z Fighters in friendly matches. The second is early access to special training featuring the newest character and member of the Ginyu Force known as Bonyu. Finally, you have a special item known as the Smiling Ultra Mega Roast, which increases your melee attack and HP permanently for the character you use it on.
Sometimes it can be difficult to figure out where to access pre-order content in the actual game, but it's presented quite simply in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot. After redeeming the codes for a physical version or pre-ordering the digital version, you don't have to do anything else apart from playing the game. All you have to do is start your game and you will be prompted as soon as you will launch it for the first time.
This breaks down when you have access to each of these bonuses, which we'll relay here. Right from the start, you'll have the Ultra Mega Roast smile added to your inventory, so you can use it at any time. The other two will require you to progress through the game up to certain points.
To access “A Competitive Game with Friends” you must play through Episode 2 of Cell Saga: For The Future and you will be able to access this sub-quest in-game. After Episode 2 ends From Cell Saga, an event will take place automatically for Bonyu training, so keep an eye out for that so you can access it later. Other than the Smiling Ultra Roast, you'll have to wait a while to access the other bonuses, so keep playing and you'll eventually gain access.
For those who missed the Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot pre-order period, you can still access this content, but at a cost. You can head to your respective store for the platform you have the game on and purchase the Pre-Order Pack DLC for $4,99 right now.