Here's a quest I had trouble solving on my own in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot. Most of the side stories are fairly straightforward and easy, but completing these weird quests – called “Animorphine Crash” – was beyond my ability until the end of the main story. So you don't have to struggle the same way I did, here's a little guide on where to find the hardest component; the Golden Gazelle.
This weird side quest has another bonus for fans of the series - apparently there's a reason there are weird animals everywhere! The drug "Animorphine", if overused, turns people into animals. Why? How? 'Or' What? Is this a reference to something in the main series? I'm not as well versed in Dragon Ball Z as some of my peers, but I couldn't find a shred of proof that 'animorphine' is anything from the show.
As we all know, the Earth King is actually a dog named King Furry in the Dragon Ball Z universe. Did King Furry also take too much animorphine? It is too much for me. Let's just talk about the quest.
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The “Animorphine Accident” is one that many Super Saiyans struggle with. In this quest, you are tasked with finding several specific items in the environment. These three different types of articles are:
- 3 high quality herbs
- 4 Meaty River Snails
- 1 golden gazelle wood
Herbs and snails are pretty easy to find anywhere. The hardest to find is the Golden Gazelle Antler – travel to the Central Plains Region and look for pasture by the lake. If you're lucky, an NPC will announce that there's a golden gazelle antler in a large text balloon. But that doesn't always happen.
Use your Ki Vision and the golden gazelle will glow red. If you don't see a gold color, just save your game and exit. Reload the save, return to the Central Plains and check the same location again. Just keep reloading and eventually the gazelle will spawn. It's pretty rare, but most players agree that reloading is the fastest way to get one.
And does this mission answer questions about the nature of animals in the DBZ universe? No of course not! It's just an extremely stupid mission which is also very boring. Hope this helps you finish it as well.