Flying hasn't been an auto unlock lately World of Warcraft extensions, and Shadowlands is no exception. At least we've learned that it won't be as arduous a process as Warlords, Legion, or Battle for Azeroth. Similar, but not as painful, as reputation won't count towards Pathfinder achievement for once.
Flying will be added in Update 9.1 after completing the Shadowlands Pathfinder achievement.
Like the aforementioned expansions, flying in World of Warcraft Shadowlands will require completion of the Pathfinder achievement. This means fully exploring each area and completing all quests within it, but you will no longer need to reach Exalted with major factions for success. This requirement will be replaced by Renown according to executive producer John Hight (in a since-deleted interview with HazelNutty on Twitch).
We don't yet know the specific Renown Rank we'll need to achieve, and there's always a chance it'll be a Renown Rank added in Update 9.1. However, fame is much easier to grind and catch up than reputation, so it's a welcome change. As for the fact that flying will come in patch 9.1, and not the second major patch for Shadowlands (which has been the norm for some time now), that tidbit has been confirmed by Ion Hazzikostas. In an interview with WoWHead.com, he stated that flying will debut in Shadowlands Patch 9.1. He also confirmed in that same interview that the Flight Master's whistle won't work in Shadowlands, and we've been feeling the loss since launch. Come on Blizz, add more steal points to Bastion!
Since it takes around 4-5 months for the first major patch to roll out, now is a great time to start eliminating your Pathfinder targets. Achievement may not be in the game yet, but exploring areas and clearing all side quests will be prerequisites if previous Pathfinder achievements are needed. Work on those two things and complete your weekly Renown quests to ensure you can fly as soon as possible once patch 9.1 launches.