le Conductor Anima is one of four Sanctum upgrades available for your Covenant base in World of Warcraft Shadowlands, and if you want to pick up your Renown transmog armor, mount, and pet, you'll want to build this massive device ASAP. The Anima Boss creates a daily boss, chest, world quest, and more in your Covenant area, though there is a way to make these dailies permanent.
Unlock the Anima Conductor in your Sanctum tank in Shadowlands by spending 1000 Anima and 1 redeemed soul.
Sanctum upgrades aren't free, and to access the Anima Conductor you'll need 1 anima and a redeemed soul. The first chapter of your Covenent's campaign will task you with farming 000 Anima and collecting 1000 redeemed souls before granting you access to your Sanctum upgrades, so you can technically unlock the Anima Conductor as your first upgrade . If you choose to unlock either the Transport Network or the Adventure Command Table first, all you'll need is another 5 anima, as the initial unlock for both will only cost you one Traded Soul each.
Once you've unlocked the Anima Conductor, it will appear on your map and minimap as a kind of runic "T". You will have a quest to interact with him, so go ahead and talk to the relevant NPC from your Covenant. They'll give you a basic overview of how the Anima Conductor works, then send you on your merry way. It's not much, so let me explain in a bit more detail how the Anima Conductor works in Shadowlands.
Initially, you will have access to two different βnodesβ at the Anima Conductor, and for 25 Anima you can power one with a stream of Anima for the day. Each node is associated with a different event, so hover over the node to find out what it is. The first two nodes will be a Rare Chest and a Rare Boss, and both will reward you with at least a handful of Anima items, Vendor Trash, and Grateful Offerings. These Offerings of Gratitude are the key item here, as they cannot be earned elsewhere and are a currency you will need to store if you plan to purchase your Alliance's Renown mount, pet, and/or transmogs.
Once you direct Anima to one of the nodes, it will remain active for an entire 24 hours, even after the daily reset. You'll also generate a charge at the bottom of your Anima Conductor, and at ten o'clock you can choose an Anima stream to boost. Strengthening unlocks that particular node permanently, although you will only be able to collect the reward once per day.
You can channel a stream of Anima to any unpowered node after the daily reset, which means you can double your rewards since any active node lasts 24 hours. After the daily reset, it will refresh its reward and stay active until it is active for its full duration, so you can channel Anima to the node you didn't power up the day before and collect both rewards. You'll want to power up a new node to generate a charge in your Anima Conductor whenever you can, as you'll eventually have six nodes to collect rewards from once you fully upgrade the Anima Conductor. Strengthening a Node means you can farm more Grateful Offerings per day, which means you'll be able to collect items from your Renown Provider once you unlock them.