9.0.5 update arrived for World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, and here is the full list of changes and fixes added with this patch. While 9.0.5 isn't a major fix like the upcoming 9.1, it does feature a slew of balance changes that affect nearly every aspect of Shadowlands. Classes, Covenants, Torghast: Update 9.0.5 is the most comprehensive update to access WoW's latest expansion. Here's everything new in the 9.0.5 update for World of Warcraft: Shadowlands.
World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Update 9.0.5 Patch Notes
- Kyrian Alliance Companions
- Kyrian Phalanx health increased by 16%.
- Developers' note: Phalanxes still feel underpowered compared to Halberdiers, giving them extra durability to allow them to fill the tank role before players max out their roster.
- Kyrian Phalanx health increased by 16%.
- Necrolord Alliance Companions
- Fixed an issue where the Bone Heir's serrated shoulder blades were not dealing damage to the enemy.
- Maldraxxus Plaguesinger's Plague Song has been redesigned - Plague Song now deals damage to ranged enemies every turn.
- Rencissa the Dynamo's spell effectiveness has been increased by 40%.
- Assembler Xertora spell effectiveness increased by 10%.
- Rattlebag spell effectiveness increased by 20%.
- Developers Note: We fixed a few issues where some Necrolord Alliance Companions were not reliably dealing damage. Additionally, a few companions have received an buff that matches their purpose.
- Companions of the Night Fae Alliance
- Qadarin's spell effectiveness increased by 24%.
- Blisswing's damage reduction now correctly applies to enemies.
- Yira'liya's health increased by 16% and spell effectiveness by 50%.
- Duskleaf health increased by 20% and spell effectiveness by 25%.
- Lloth'wellyn health increased by 33% and ability damage increased by 25%.
- Developers' note: A few Night Fae covenant companions weren't as well established in their various roles as we'd hoped, to address this we've buffed many abilities and decreased the overall frailty of some companions.
- Venthyr Alliance Companions
- Venthyr Nightblade attack increased by 25%.
- Developers' Note: We're generally happy with how the changes to Venthyr in 9.0.2 have been made, but wanted to provide some additional help for players using Nightblades to complete their comps.
- Venthyr Nightblade attack increased by 25%.
- Undead cloaks will now be as torn as those who wear them.
- Ashen Hallow (Venthyr Paladin), Abomination Limb (Necrolord Death Knight), Swarming Mist (Venthyr Death Knight), Death's Due (Night Fae Death Knight), Wild Spirits (Night Fae Hunter), Resonating Arrow (Kyrian Hunter), and Ancient Aftershock Les visual effects (Night Fae Warrior) will now appear less overwhelming to allied players when cast in dungeons or raids. These changes are still being iterated and may not be final.
- Many abilities are now more effective at avoiding enemies in combat that the player is not engaged with (e.g. Summon Spirits, Starfall, Chain Harvest, Fel Bombardment, Divine Toll).
- Gel
- Fixed an issue that caused Relentless Onslaught (Talent) to consume spell reflection.
- Impious
- Fixed an issue where Unholy Pact (Talent) would sometimes not hit large raid bosses.
- Alliance Abilities
- Bow the Unworthy (Kyrian) damage increased by 15% and damage reduction debuff increased to 8% (was 5%).
- Abomination Limb (Necrolord) now correctly deals damage and pulls enemies in while the Death Knight is crowd controlled.
- Abomination Limb (Necrolord) no longer attracts enemies that are in Stealth.
- Death's Due (Night Fae) damage reduction and Force buff increased to 2% per stack (was 1%). Now stacks up to 4 times (was 8).
- Gel
- Ravage
- Unbound Chaos (Talent) damage increased to 500% (was 300%).
- Alliance Abilities
- Elyos Decree (Kyrian) damage reduced by 10% for Vengeful Demon Hunters.
- Fodder to the Flame (Necrolord) has been redesigned – Your damage abilities have a chance to summon a Demon from the Theater of Pain for 25 seconds. Throw Glaive deals lethal damage to the demon, which explodes on death, damaging nearby enemies and healing you for 30% of your maximum health. The explosion deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets.
- Hunt (Night Fae) damage reduced by 10% for Vengeful Demon Hunters.
- Sinful Mark (Venthyr) damage reduced by 10% for Vengeful Demon Hunters.
- Ducts
- Repeat the base damage of The Decree (Kyrian) at 15% (was 25%).
- Fel Defender now affects Fel Havoc for Revenge Demon Hunters (was Fiery Brand).
- Demonic Parole will no longer engage creatures in combat when imprisonment expires.
- Ravage
- Restauration
- Rejuvenation periodic healing increased by 12%.
- Wild Growth healing increased by 7%.
- Alliance Abilities
- Adaptive Swarm (Necrolord) damage and healing increased by 25% and effectiveness of periodic effects increased to 25% (was 20%). Periodic Effects effectiveness increased to 35% for Balance Druids.
- Ducts
- Endless Thirst (Venthyr) now increases your critical strike chance by 0,8% per stack at Rank 1 (was 0,5%).
- Restauration
- Fixed an issue that allowed hunters to avoid the Overwhelmed debuff when casting Primal Rage.
- Fixed an issue that caused Feign Death to be canceled when Hunters opened their map or used an emote.
- Beast Mastery
- Spitting Cobra (Talent) damage increased by 260%.
- Marksmanship
- Fixed an issue where casting Volley (Talent) right after a aimed shot that benefited from Trick Shots would sometimes not apply the Trick Shots effect.
- Survival
- Fixed an issue that caused Steel Trap (Talent) to be usable while Aspect of the Turtle was active.
- Alliance Abilities
- Fixed an issue where Resonance Arrow (Kyrian) could fail to be cast behind your character.
- Death Chakram (Necrolord) damage increased by 15%.
- Scorched Shot (Venthyr) duration increased to 18 seconds (was 14) and costs no focus (was 10). Flayer's Mark now also increases the damage of your next deathblow by 25%.
- Ducts
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the Marker Advantage buff to be removed when another player's Hunter Mark was applied.
- Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause brutal throws to expire prematurely.
- Alliance Abilities
- Radiant Spark (Kyrian) damage increased by 20%.
- Deathborne (Necrolord) duration increased to 25 seconds (was 20 seconds) and Spell Power buff increased to 15% (was 10%).
- Torment Mirrors (Venthyr)
- Arcane: Now grants a stack of Clearcasting when a mirror is consumed (was mana).
- Fire: Fire Blast cooldown reduction increased to 6 seconds (was 4 seconds).
- Alliance Abilities
- Mistweaver
- Vivify now costs 3,8% mana (down from 4,1%).
- Renewing Mist now costs 1,8% mana (was 2,2%).
- Windwalker
- Xuen, the White Tiger is now vulnerable to Hibernation, Polymorph, and Fear crowd control effects.
- Touch of Death is now affected by Mastery: Combination Strikes.
- Fixed an issue that caused Storm, Earth, and Fire to sometimes break the stealth of nearby enemies.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Xuen, the White Tiger to target enemies in Stealth.
- Fixed an issue that caused Tiger Palm to grant an additional stack of Mark of the Crane when Storm, Earth, and Fire were active.
- Fixed an issue that allowed the Crane Mark to be permanently held at maximum stacks while fighting a single target.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent Storm, Earth, and Fire spirits from using Fists of Fury, Rising Sun Kick, and Whirling Dragon Punch (Talent).
- Fixed an issue that allowed Storm, Earth, and Fire spirits to continue channeling Fists of Fury after the Monk's Fists of Fury channel ended.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Spinning Crane Kick damage to not be properly increased by Crane's Mark if targets die with Monk's Mark active.
- Alliance Abilities
- Fixed an issue that prevented Faeline Stomp (Night Fae) from dealing damage when used to engage creatures in combat.
- Fallen Order (Venthyr) Tiger and Ox followers had their stats increased by 20%.
- Mistweaver
- Saint
- Holy Shock now costs 16% mana (was 14%).
- protected
- Ardent Defender's healing now has a visual effect.
- Alliance Abilities
- Vanquisher's Hammer (Necrolord) now generates 1 Holy Power when used.
- Ducts
- Additional Ringing Clarity (Kyrian) spells now have a longer delay between hits. Additionally, Divine Toll area of effect judgment hits are no longer reduced by 25% in PvP, and judgment triggered by Ringing Clarity is reduced by 25% in PvP.
- Righteous Command no longer plays an attack animation when it triggers.
- Fixed an issue that caused the additional Templar's Verdict of Templar's Vindication not to deal damage based on the original Templar's Verdict.
- Saint
- Discipline
- Spirit Shell (Talent) now absorbs 80% of healing done (was 100%) and the absorb limit is now based on the caster's spell power rather than max health.
- Saint
- Divine Anthem increases healing received by 4% (was 10%) for 15 seconds (was 8 seconds). Stacks up to 5 times (there was no stack).
- Umber
- Mastery: Shadow Weaving no longer benefits multiple times from damage amplification effects.
- Shadowy Apparitions no longer cause targets to abandon Stealth if they deal no damage.
- Alliance Abilities
- Fae Guardians (Night Fae) Guardian Faerie now grants 20% damage reduction (down from 10%), and Wrathful Faerie will now automatically be sent to the nearest enemy target if Fae Guardians are used while an ally is targeted .
- Wrathful Faeries (Night Fae) now correctly grant resources to the priest casting the spell when multiple Wrathful Faeries are active on the target.
- Mindgames (Venthyr) no longer reverses damage or healing from itself when reflected.
- Ducts
- Fae Fermata (Night Fae) Fae Guardians now drop an effective copy at 80% of their advantage (down from 60%) and can no longer be stacked on a Faerie for double advantage.
- Discipline
- Thug
- Assassination
- Level 56: New Passive: Cut to the Chase – Envenom extends your slice and dice duration by up to 3 seconds per combo point spent.
- Venomous Wounds now restores 8 energy (was 7).
- Slice and Dice (Rank 2) has been removed.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Crimson Tempest (Talent) from triggering Alacrity (Talent).
- Fixed an issue that allowed the Poison Bomb (Talent) to deal damage to undermined targets without breaking crowd control.
- Subtlety
- Fixed an issue where Premeditation (Talent) would rarely be applied when entering Stealth.
- Alliance Abilities
- Fixed an issue that caused Echoing Reprimand (Kyrian) to apply Find Weakness for non-subtle Rogues when cast from Stealth.
- Jagged Bone Spike (Necrolord) initial damage increased by 300% and now grants 1 combo point plus 1 per active Bone Spike after hitting the target.
- Jagged Bone Spike (Necrolord) is now removed when the target leaves combat and no longer refunds a charge and is removed when the target is fully healed.
- Fixed an issue that caused Serrated Bone Spike (Necrolord) initial damage not to critically hit.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Jagged Bone Spike's (Necrolord) bleed debuff from being counted towards Doomblade's Envenom damage buff (Legendary Power).
- Jagged Bone Spike (Necrolord) damage is now correctly increased by Assassination Mastery: Mighty Assassin.
- Broadside (Outlaw Talent) now correctly provokes Sepsis (Night Fae) to generate an additional combo point.
- Lashing (Venthyr) no longer costs energy (was 20), duration reduced to 12 seconds (was 20 seconds), haste is now granted immediately and no longer has a second activation. Whip initial damage increased by 270%, bonus damage from spending combo points increased by 160%, and deals damage 1 time upon use (down from 3).
- Ducts
- Lashing Scars (Venthyr) now causes 4 additional lashes (was 2). This will allow the Rogue to start at 5% haste upon activation.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Count the Odds buff to be removed when Roll the Bones buffs expired.
- Assassination
- Chain Lightning damage increased by 35%.
- Lightning Shield damage increased by 415%.
- Elementary
- Ground shock damage increased by 30%.
- Earthquake damage increased by 70%.
- Lava Ray damage increased by 35%.
- Lava Shard damage reduced by 10%.
- Enhancement
- Lava Lash damage increased by 40%.
- Stormkeeper (Talent) now increases Chain Lightning by 300% (was 2 lightning by 150%).
- Stormbringer can now correctly proc from Ice Strike (Talent) and Split (Talent).
- Fixed an issue where Stormkeeper (Talent) and Maelstrom Weapon (Talent) increased Chain Lightning damage at the same time.
- Restauration
- Lava Shard damage reduced by 10%.
- Fixed an issue where Earth Wall Totem (Talent) could absorb more damage than intended when an area damage spell hit multiple allies.
- Alliance Abilities
- Evening Totem (Kyrian) damage and healing increased by 25%.
- Transfusion fae (Night Fae) damage increased by 25%, damage conversion heal increased to 60% (from 40%), and healing radius increased to 20 yards (from 12 meters).
- Primordial Wave's (Necrolord) Enhancement Bolt effect now deals 150% damage (down from 100%).
- Fixed an issue that prevented Primordial Wave (Necrolord) from being usable on allies in Mercenary mode.
- Chain Harvest (Venthyr) damage and healing increased by 15% for Elemental and Restorative Shaman.
- Chain Harvest (Venthyr) now lights up on the action bar when players can cast it instantly via Maelstrom Weapon.
- Curse of Tongues now lasts 1 minute (was 30 seconds) and lasts 20 seconds against enemy players (was 12 seconds).
- Affliction
- Malefic Abduction no longer causes targets to drop stealth if it deals no damage.
- Seed of Corruption now correctly deals damage and applies Corruption if the Warlock is crowd-controlled when the seed explodes.
- Demonology
- Summon Dreadstalkers, Demonic Tyrant, Vilefiend, Nether Portal demons, and Grimoire: Felguard will now listen for primary pet commands.
- Call Dreadstalkers attack power increased by 10% and Dreadbite and Dreadlash damage increased by 10%.
- Destruction
- Mastery: Chaotic Energies now properly increases Corruption damage.
- Alliance Abilities
- Scouring Tithe (Kyrian) now requires the warlock to face their target.
- Decimating Shot (Necrolord) bonus damage from target's missing HP increased to 100% (was 60%)
- Imminent Catastrophe (Venthyr) damage while moving towards its target increased by 10% and explosion damage by 15%.
- Imminent Catastrophe (Venthyr) no longer damages totems on its way to the target.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Intervene to be applied to targets under the effects of the Cyclone.
- Fury
- Fixed an issue where the Whirlwind buff would not be applied to the Warrior if Whirlwind was cast while charging.
- protected
- Damage of all abilities increased by 10%. Thunder Clap damage increased by an additional 10%.
- Alliance Abilities
- Conqueror's Banner (Necrolord) has been redesigned - Raise the Conqueror's Banner, which grants 400 Mastery and 30% more movement speed to you and your 2 closest allies and prevents movement speed from be reduced below 100%. Cooldown is now 2 minutes (from 3 minutes), duration is now 15 seconds (from 20 seconds), and Rage generation is now 4 rage per second for weapons and protection, and 6 rage points per second for fury.
- Ducts
- Veteran's Reputation (Necrolord) no longer allows Conqueror's Banner to grant Glory charges.
- Necrolord
- alliance ability
- Fleshcraft has been redesigned – Form a shield of flesh and bone over 3 seconds (was 4 seconds) that absorbs damage equal to 40% of your maximum health for 2 minutes. While channeling, your damage taken is reduced by 20%. Passive Effect – Getting close to an enemy's corpse consumes their essence to reduce Fleshcraft's cooldown by 1 second.
- Slime mobs in Plaguefall Dungeon will now grant their buffs when their corpses are consumed by Fleshcraft's passive effect (was when Fleshcraft was used on their corpses).
- Soulbinds
- Volatile Solvent (Plague Deviser Marileth) now triggers when Fleshcraft's passive effect consumes the essence of a corpse (was when Fleshcraft is cast).
- Resourceful Fleshcrafting (Bonesmith Heirmir) has been redesigned – When Fleshcraft's passive effect consumes a corpse, Fleshcraft's cooldown is reduced by an additional second.
- Anima Conductor: Flowing Power – House of Rituals
- Skelton Command now summons a skeleton when Fleshcraft's passive effect consumes a corpse. This effect has a 5 second cooldown between skeleton summons.
- alliance ability
- night fae
- The spirits of the Queen's Conservatory are eager to come back to life and will now automatically give players their reward without having to talk to them first.
- Soulbinds
- Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause players to die via Podtender (Dreamweaver) if the deathblow had a large exaggeration.
- Venthyr
- The Courtyard of Embers
- permanent RSVP
- Guests with whom you have achieved best friend status now give you a permanent RSVP.
- Permanent RSVP will allow all characters on your account to invite that guest to future Ember Tribunals without completing their RSVP quest again.
- Temel in Sinfall now sells a Bind on Account book at Exalted with the Ember Court. The book will teach your Dredger Butler how to handle the cleanup and resupply quests that follow the Ember Courts.
- Temel and Lady Ilinca's unique reputation items will no longer appear once learned.
- Droman Aliothe's RSVP no longer requires players to venture to Bastion and Maldraxxus for items.
- permanent RSVP
- Soulbinds
- Fixed an issue that allowed Service in Stone (General Draven) to be parried.
- The Courtyard of Embers
- Halls of Atonement
- Loyal Stoneborn now persists for 45 seconds when charmed by a Venthyr player (was 30 seconds).
- Stoneborn Loyal damage is now reduced by 50% while Charmed and Stoneborn perk durations are increased to 45 seconds (was 30 seconds).
- Sanguine depths
- Cage anima now persists for 1 minute after activation (was 45 seconds). While active, Sinfall Boon is applied to players when an enemy is killed nearby (was certain enemy types) and duration increased to 75 seconds (was 60 seconds).
- One of the anima cages has been taken away from a patrolling room sentry.
- Mythic Stone Dungeons
- The formula for determining the level of the first Keystone players receive each week has been adjusted.
- Previously, players would always receive a Keystone Level 1 lower than the highest level they had reached so far in Season 1.
- After this change, Keystone level will continue to decrease by 1 per week until players complete a higher level Keystone again.
- For example, a player who completes a level 15 keystone will receive a level 14 keystone the following week. If they don't complete a Keystone of 15 or higher that week, they will receive a Level 13 Keystone the following week.
- plaguefall
- Dominate Venomblade
- Brood Assassins no longer trigger the Necrotic affix.
- Dominate Venomblade
- Sanguine depths
- Gantelet of General Kaal
- Stonewall boys no longer trigger the necrotic affix.
- Gantelet of General Kaal
- The formula for determining the level of the first Keystone players receive each week has been adjusted.
- The community-voted mount, The Wandering Ancient, is now available!
- Gear acquired from Keystone Dungeons can now be upgraded with Valor, a new currency obtained by completing Keystone Dungeons and Alliance Calls. The weekly value cap will start at 5000 earnable value points in the first week and increase by 750 value points each week. There will be a maximum of 1500 Valor Points a character can hold at a time. Equipment that dropped before the patch cannot be upgraded.
- Item Level 200: Item's initial upgrade level.
- 207 Item Level: Requires the Explorer Keystone Achievement – Obtained by completing all eight Shadowlands dungeons at Mythic 5 or higher, within the time limit.
- 213 Item Level: Requires the Cornerstone Conqueror of Shadows achievement – Obtained by completing all Shadowlands dungeons at Mythic 10 or higher, within the time limit.
- 220 Item Level: Requires Shadowlands Cornerstone Master Achievement – Obtained by completing all Shadowlands dungeons at Mythic 15 or higher, within the time limit.
- Completing a Keystone Dungeon after the timer expires will now reward a second item. The item level of the second item will be slightly lower (e.g. completing a Mythic 7 Keystone dungeon, but not completing the timer, now rewards the party with a 200 iLvl item and a 197 iLvl item.
- Great Vault raid loot requirements are now defeating 3/6/9 raid bosses (was 3/7/10).
- Power Conduits now also drop in Nathria Castle.
- Once players reach 40 renown with their alliance, the weekly quest to collect 1000 Anima will now reward you with 1500 gold.
- Once players have recruited the maximum number of souls for their alliance, your weekly quest to rescue souls from the maw will now award you 500 Anima.
- Rhinestone Sunglasses can now be used for transmog and will appear in your collection when found.
- Vendor prices for items below item level 75 have been adjusted.
- The Lightless Force weapon enchant no longer targets out of combat or crowd controlled enemies.
- The Hunger of the Pack trinket now grants the speed stat instead of the movement speed percentage.
- The barrier generator toy can no longer be used in instanced PvP.
- Blood
- Phearomones now grant 10% Haste while inside your Death and Decay (was 8%).
- Crimson Rune Weapon now causes the Dancing Rune Weapon to generate 5 Bone Shield charges and reduces the cooldown of the Dancing Rune Weapon by 5 seconds (down from 3 seconds).
- Vampiric Aura now increases the duration of Vampiric Blood by 3 seconds and grants 5% leech for the duration.
- Demon Domination now also grants 45 Runic Power when Vampiric Blood is used.
- Impious
- Reanimated Shambler's explosion damage increased by 5% and now triggers approximately every 1,75 minutes (up from 1,5).
- Blood
- Fel Bombardment buff duration increased to 40 seconds (was 30 seconds) and proc chance increased by 5%.
- Darkglare Medallion proc chance increased to 40% (was 20%) and now also refunds Fury from launched Eye Beam or Fel Devastation.
- Ravage
- Burning Wounds damage over time increased by 100% and Immolation Aura damage by 65% (was 50%).
- Vengeance
- Eye beam cast by Collective Anguish's summoned ally now always critically hits.
- Spirit of the Darkness Flame's Burning Mark instant damage increased by 20% (was 15%).
- Wild
- Cat-Eye Curio now restores 30% energy (was 25%).
- Increased both Frenzyband effects by 50%.
- guardian
- Legacy of the Sleeper's Berserk description now states that the druid is immune to crowd control while active.
- Restauration
- Verdant Infusion extends the duration of your heal over time effects on the Swiftmend target by 10 seconds (was 8 seconds).
- Wild
- Beast Mastery
- Dire Command now has a 30% chance to trigger (down from 20%).
- Rylakstalker's Piercing Fang critical damage increased to 35% (was 20%).
- Flamewaker's Cobra Sting now has a 50% chance to proc (down from 25%).
- Qa'pla, Eredun War Order now resets Kill Command cooldown (reduces cooldown by 5 seconds) and has an additional passive effect - Barbed Shot deals 10% more damage.
- Marksmanship
- Explosive Shots now cause Rapid Fire to deal 35% more damage (was 25%).
- Eagletalon's true focus now also increases Trueshot duration by 3 seconds and reduces all focus costs by 25% (was 50%).
- Serpentstalker trickery no longer triggers Wild Spirits (Night Fae ability) twice.
- Survival
- Latent Poison Injector damage increased by 15%.
- Beast Mastery
- Disciplinary Command increases critical hit damage by 20% (was 15%).
- Increased potential extended procs per minute to 2 (was 1,66).
- Esoteric
- Arcane Harmony damage per stack increased to 8% (was 7%) and the effect stacks up to 18 times (was 15).
- Feu
- Molten Skyfall now calls a meteor after throwing 18 fireballs or pyroblasts (up from 25).
- Sun King's Blessing now requires consumption of 8 hot streaks (was 12) and grants combustion for 6 seconds (was 5 seconds).
- Gel
- Cold Front now summons a Frozen Orb after casting 30 Frostbolts or Flurries (was 60).
- Freezing Winds now triggers Fingers of Frost every 2 seconds (was 3 seconds).
- Power of Shaohao now causes Tiger Palm to have a 40% chance (was 10%) to deal 300% normal damage (was 250%) and reduces the remaining cooldown of your Brews by 2 additional seconds (instead of 1 second).
- Brewmaster
- Mighty Pour now causes Celestial Brew to increase your armor by 50% (was 25%) for 8 seconds (was 7 seconds), and causes Purifying Brew to have a 35% chance to not consume any load (instead of 25%).
- Mistweaver
- Murky Focus heal increased by 20% (was 15%) and mana cost reduced by 20% (was 15%).
- Windwalker
- Xuen's critical strike chance while in battle gear increased by 50% (was 30%) and Fists of Fury cooldown reduced by 5 seconds (was 2,5 seconds).
- Vanguard Momentum increases Holy damage by 4% (was 3%) for 10 seconds (was 8 seconds).
- Dusk and Dawn buff duration increased to 12 seconds (was 8 seconds) and Twilight Blessing damage reduction increased to 4% (was 3%).
- Saint
- Sunwell Inflorescence increases Light Infusion effects by 30% (was 20%).
- Shadowbreaker, Dawn of the Sun buff duration increased to 8 seconds (was 6 seconds).
- Maraad's Dying Breath healing bonus to Light of the Martyr no longer increases self damage taken. Additionally, Maraad's Dying Breath now inflicts all Martyr's Light self damage over 5 seconds.
- protected
- The Sanctum of the Ardent Protector has been redesigned – When Ardent Defender saves you from death, it restores 40% more health. When Ardent Defender expires without saving you from death, its remaining cooldown is reduced by 40% (was 60 seconds).
- Fixed an issue with Sanctum of the Ardent Protector that caused Ardent Defender throws to put Protector Paladin's Ardent Defender nearby on cooldown.
- Fixed an issue that caused Magistrate's Judgment to be consumed when casting a free Word of Glory through Shining Light.
- Punishment
- Final verdict damage increased by 15%.
- Magistrate's Judgment now grants the correct number of Crusade stacks when Holy Power is spent under its effect.
- Cauterizing shadow care has been increased by 36% and can now hit critically.
- Discipline
- Cauterizing Shadows now works with Mastery: Grace.
- Kiss of Death reduces the cooldown of Shadow Word: Death by 12 seconds (down from 8).
- Saint
- Divine Image now projects Searing Light when Shadow Word: Pain or Mind Games (Venthyr ability) is used, and casts Holy Nova when Unholy Nova (Necrolord ability) is used. Additionally, if the priest is crowd-controlled while the divine image is active, the image will cast single-target healing spells on nearby low-powered allies.
- Divine Image spell mirroring cooldown removed (e.g. Queuing Shadow Word: Death after Holy Fire will now trigger 2 Incendiary Lights) .
- Flash Focus buff duration increased to 20 seconds (was 15 seconds).
- Measured Gaze is now cleared at the start of an Arena match.
- Umber
- Painbreaker Psalm generates up to 30 Insanity (was 20) and now works with Death and Madness (Talent).
- Shadowflame Rift damage increased by 40%.
- Thug
- Mark of the Master Assassin now only affects the critical strike chance of auto-attack and thief abilities.
- Tiny Toxic Blade now causes Shiv to deal 500% increased damage (up from 350%).
- Bloodfang Essence damage increased by 30%.
- Assassination
- Doomblade now deals 45% more bleed damage (was 30%).
- Duskwalker's patch reduces Vendetta's cooldown for every 30 energy you spend (down from 50).
- Outlaw
- Charm of Cunning increases your damage dealt by up to 15% (was 10%) and lasts up to 12 seconds (was 10).
- Greenskin Wickers increase the damage of your next pistol shot by 300% (down from 200%).
- Hidden Blunderbuss now has a chance to fire your next pistol shot an additional 3 times (up from 2).
- Subtlety
- The Rotten now causes Backstab to deal 50% more damage (down from 30%).
- Shadows of Death increases all damage dealt by 20% (was 15%) for 15 seconds (was 12).
- Elementary
- Echoes of Great Fracture now causes Earthquake to deal 120% increased damage (was 175%).
- Enhancement
- Legacy of the Frost Witch now causes Stormstrike to deal 30% increased damage (was 15%).
- Doom Winds debuff now persists until death.
- Restauration
- Jonat's natural focus now increases next chain healing by 20% (down from 10%).
- Spiritwalker's Tidal Totem now reduces the mana cost of Healing Wave and Chain Heal by 40% (down from 25%).
- Elementary
- Affliction
- Malefic Wrath duration increased to 10 seconds (was 8 seconds) and damage per stack increased to 35% (was 25%).
- Consuming Wrath duration increased to 30 seconds (was 20 seconds) and periodic damage increased to 6% (was 5%).
- Consuming Wrath now correctly increases damage from the periodic effects of Scouring Tithe (Kyrian).
- Demonology
- Implosive Potential Haste buff duration increased to 12 seconds (was 8 seconds).
- Balespider's Burning Core increases Demonbolt damage by 15% per stack (was 8% per stack).
- Grim Inquisitor Dreadcall increased to 4% per stack (was 3% per stack).
- Destruction
- Azj'aqir madness duration increased to 4 seconds (was 3 seconds).
- Diabolical Garment Embers now correctly generate 6 Soul Shard Fragments on critical hit with Incinerate.
- Affliction
- Arm
- Lasting Smash's chance to apply the Colossus Smash effect has been increased to 25% (was 15%) and the duration has been increased to 6 seconds (was 5 seconds).
- Battlelord now triggers from Overpower (was Slam) and reduces the Rage cost of your next Mortal Attack by 15 Rage (was 12).
- Exploit Mortal Strike damage bonus increased to 50% (from 25%) and damage bonus for Venthyr Warriors increased to 36% (from 18%).
- Fury
- Fujieda cadence duration increased to 12 seconds (was 8 seconds).
- Berserker's Will duration increased to 12 seconds (was 8 seconds).
- Reckless Defense now triggers from all Rampage hits (was Rampage critical hits) and reduces the remaining cooldown of Recklessness and Enraged Regeneration by 1 second (down from 3 seconds).
- protected
- Retaliation has been redesigned – Charge and Intervene grants you Shield Block for 4 seconds, Revenge! And generates 20 rage points.
- Unbreakable Will now also grants an additional charge of Shield Wall.
- Seismic reverb damage increased to 75% (was 40%).
- Arm
- Battlefield
- The size of the Horde flag in Warsong Gulch and Twin Peaks has been increased to match the size of the Alliance flag.
- Targeted Assault and Brutal Assault now increase damage taken by 10% per stack and reduce healing received by 5% per stack in Warsong Gulch, Twin Peaks, and Eye of the Storm.
- Deepwind Gorge side-capture point flags now spawn 14 seconds after the battleground has begun, and the central flag spawns 18 seconds after the battleground has begun (was immediately at start).
- Fixed an issue that caused Battle Flags to not be usable in Wintergrasp or Ashran Battlegrounds.
- Bloodlust, Heroism, Time Warp, Primal Rage and Drums of Deathly Ferocity/Maelstrom are no longer usable during the Battleground preparation phase.
- ashram
- Maximum player count per faction is now 35 (was 30).
- Starting reinforcements are now 175 (was 150).
- To allow both factions to have easier access to Star Root Tubers and Song Flowers, both these tasty treats will now spawn alongside each other in the Dark Woods and Root Den.
- Artifact Fragment cost to summon Kronus and Fangrall reduced to 1500 (was 3000).
- Horde and Alliance tower mages are now worth 30 Reinforcements when slain (was 50).
- Horde and Alliance tower mages have had their spells adjusted:
- Rylai Crestfall – Alliance Tower Mage
- Northrend Winds now deals 15% of the target’s maximum health in Frost damage.
- Frostbolt now deals 8% of the target’s maximum health in Frost damage.
- Frostbolt Volley now deals 15% of the target’s maximum health in Frost damage.
- No longer casts Mass Polymorph.
- Jeron Emberfall - Horde Tower Mage
- Fireball now deals 8% of the target’s maximum health in Fire damage.
- Combustion Nova now deals 15% of the target’s maximum health in Fire damage.
- Ignite now deals 1% of the target’s maximum health in Fire damage.
- Living Bomb initial spell now deals 5% of the target’s maximum health in Fire damage.
- Living Bomb explosion now deals 15% of the target’s maximum health in Fire damage.
- Living Bomb no longer causes a knockback when exploding.
- Magma Blast cast by Jeron’s summoned Lava Fury now deals 5% of the target’s maximum health in Fire damage.
- Rylai Crestfall – Alliance Tower Mage
- Isle of Conquest
- Glaive Thrower health has been increased by 40%.
- Alliance and Horde Commander health increased by 50%.
- Demolisher health increased by 25%.
- Catapult health increased by 100%.
- The amount of siege damage required to break down keep walls has been increased by 20%.
- Wintergrasp
- Broken Temple and Sunken Ring Workshops are now controlled by the attacking team when the battle starts.
- Wintergrasp Wall, Wintergrasp Fortress Wall, and Wintergrasp Fortress Gate health has been reduced by 20%.
- Destroying Towers reduces match time by 8 minutes (was 5 minutes).
- Siege Engine’s Steam Rush ability deals 20-35% of a player’s health (was 30-45%).
- Demolisher’s Hurl Boulder ability deals 20-25% of a player’s health (was 36%).
- Demolishers will now more consistently deal siege damage when striking fortress walls and towers.
- After 5 minutes, all players in the battleground who do not have a rank (including players who join late) will now be granted the rank of Corporal.
- Classes
- Ashen Hallow (Venthyr Paladin), Spear of Bastion (Kyrian Warrior), Resonating Arrow (Kyrian Hunter), and Wild Spirits (Night Fae Hunter) visual effects are now more easily distinguishable when cast by enemy players.
- Removed the stun when summoning the temporary ghoul version of Raise Dead (Rank 1) in PvP.
- The Satiated debuff from Rune of Sanguination is now removed when entering PvP instances.
- Vengeance
- Corrected an issue that was causing Illidan’s Grasp (PvP Talent) recast effect to not toss the target.
- Vengeance
- Convoke the Spirits (Night Fae) can no longer cast Full Moon and Feral Frenzy for Guardian or Restoration Druids when engaged in combat with enemy players.
- Roar of Sacrifice (PvP Talent) can no longer be cast while the Hunter’s pet is dead or crowd controlled.
- Ice Form (PvP Talent) is no longer on the global cooldown to match Icy Veins, the ability it replaces.
- Icy Propulsion conduit now correctly functions with Ice Form (PvP Talent).
- Nether Precision and Arcane Prodigy conduits now correctly function with Arcane Empowerment (PvP Talent).
- Holy
- Divine Vision (PvP Talent) now reduces the cooldown of Aura Mastery by 1 minute (was grants Shadow Resistance Aura).
- Ultimate Sacrifice (PvP Talent) now causes Blessing of Sacrifice to last 6 seconds in addition to its existing effects.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused Cleanse the Weak (PvP Talent) to not dispel multiple debuffs.
- Protection
- Steed of Glory (PvP Talent) will now grant immunity to roots and snares only (was all crowd controlling effects).
- Fixed an issue that prevented the Royal Decree conduit from affecting Guardian of the Forgotten Queen (PvP Talent).
- Retribution
- Fixed an issue that was causing the resurrection bonus from Ultimate Retribution (PvP Talent) to not be applied to the Paladin when an ally died.
- Holy
- Greater Fade is now cancelled when players attempt to capture a PvP objective.
- Mass Dispel no longer cancels Greater Fade.
- Shadow
- Greater Fade (PvP Talent) is no longer cancelled when Mind Bomb triggers or Shadow Crash (Talent) deals damage.
- Outlaw
- Control is King (PvP Talent) can no longer override an Adrenaline Rush with a longer duration.
- Subtlety
- Shadowy Duel (PvP Talent) can no longer be cast on targets that have immunities active, such as Ice Block or Divine Shield.
- Outlaw
- Hex now interrupts players that are channeling to capture a PvP objective if the player is susceptible to Hex.
- warlock
- Amplify Curse (PvP Talent) cooldown reduced to 30 seconds (was 45 seconds).
- Casting Circle (PvP Talent) no longer causes Unending Resolve to stop granting its interrupt immunity.
- Demon Armor (PvP Talent) increases Armor by 160% (was 90%).
- Affliction
- Fixed an issue where Rapid Contagion (PvP Talent) could be used while under the effects of crowd control abilities.
- Barbarian (PvP talent) no longer resets the cooldown of all Heroic Leap charges when used with Leaper (Legendary Effect).
- Arms
- Fixed an issue that caused War Banner (PvP Talent) to expire early if there were multiple War Banners active.
- Protection
- Fixed an issue that caused Overwatch (PvP Talent) to be incorrectly consumed by reflected damage procs and area of effect spells.
- A new account-wide unlock has been added to Ve’nari that reveals teleport nodes on all the long walkable chains in Torghast so you can quickly cross the chains and no longer have to face your fear of heights.
- Reduced the health and amount of Anima Devourers required for Stage 1 of the Winged Soul Eaters Hunt.
- A brief description of each wing is now available before embarking on any given Torghast run.
- To better increase your odds of success, a recommended item level will now be displayed when selecting which Layer difficulty to attempt.
- Reduced the amount of enemies on multiple floors.
- Anima Powers
- Parliament Stone increases speed by 50% (was 30%) and now also increases dodge chance by 25%. Can be obtained 1 time (was 2).
- New Anima Power: Desolate Chitin (Uncommon) – Fleshcraft absorbs 50% more damage. Can be obtained 3 times.
- Malevolent Stitching increases your primary stat by 20% (was 8%) and is now Uncommon rarity (was Rare). Can be obtained 1 time (was 3).
- Musophobic Femur has been removed.
- New Anima Power: Frigid Wildseed (Epic) – Activating Soulshape stuns enemies within 12 yards of the departure and destination location for 6 seconds. Can be obtained 1 time.
- New Anima Power: Ethereal Wildseed (Uncommon) – Soulshape and Flicker heal you for 20% of your maximum health. Can be obtained 2 times.
- Clinging Fog and Crystallized Dreams have been removed.
- Gnarled Key reduces Door of Shadows cast time by 20% (was 10%) and reduces its cooldown by 6 seconds per stack (was 3 seconds). Stacks up to 5 times (was 10).
- New Anima Power: Entropic Pool (Epic) – Dealing damage with Death and Decay increases damage you deal to the target by 2%. This effect stacks.
- New Anima Power: Bone Borrower (Rare) – Death Grip reduces the target’s damage dealt to you by 20% for 10 seconds, and animates a Risen Skulker or Magus of the Dead for 1 minute.
- Damage dealt by the minions summoned by Bone Borrower and Bone Harvester have been significantly increased.
- Occult Emitter has been redesigned – Now increases Runic Power generation by 100% while affected by your Anti-Magic Shell or Anti-Magic Zone.
- Monstrous Concoction has been redesigned – Now increases damage and attack speed for you and all your minions by 10% for 8 seconds whenever you cast Death Coil.
- Exterminator has been redesigned – Now gives 2 additional max charges of Death Grip and killing a Mawrat resets all charges. Stacks 2 times.
- Darkreaver’s Ward now also increases Anti-Magic Shell duration by 3 seconds and no longer increases the spell damage reduction of Anti-Magic Zone.
- Darkreaver’s Lens spell reflection now also applies to Anti-Magic Shell.
- Creeping Decay now has an additional charge and no longer grants 10% damage reduction while in your Death and Decay.
- Death Turf now also reduces damage you take from enemies by 10% while in your Death and Decay.
- Unbreakable Cuffs now also increases Physical and Frost damage you deal to affected enemies by 15% and no longer increases the duration of Chains of Ice.
- Blood-Tinged Poker now increases Sacrificial Pact damage by 400% (was 300%) and reduces Raise Dead’s cooldown to 20 seconds (was 25 seconds).
- Lich Robes now reduces the cooldown of Lichborne by 4 seconds (was 10 seconds) per 10 Runic Power spent (was using Death Strike). Stacks 2 times (was 3).
- Force Pull has been renamed Death Hook and has an additional effect – Causes Death Grip to instead pull you to the target.
- Phearomones is now Uncommon rarity.
- Deathlord’s Lesson, Deathlord’s Legacy, and Animate Armaments have been removed.
- Soarstone now heals for 6% per second (was 3%).
- Shifting Signet now reduces the Metamorphosis cooldown by 30% (was 15%). Stacks up to 3 times (was 4).
- Phantasmal Iris damage increased by 5% (was 1%).
- Seeker’s Rage now increases the damage of your Demon Blades, Demon’s Bite, or Shear by 2% per stack (was 20%) when destroying an Ashen Phylactery, and the effect is no longer consumed when casting Demon Blades, Demon’s Bite, or Shear.
- Ragehoof now reduces the cooldown of Metamorphosis by 6 seconds when killing a Mawrat (was extends the duration).
- Furywing no longer deals damage to you if Fel Rush or Infernal Strike fail to deal damage.
- Sacrificial Soul-Ash now properly increases the damage of Elysian Decree (Kyrian Ability).
- Fixed an issue that rarely caused Druids to remain in a stunned state if they died while inside Podtender (Dreamweaver Soulbind).
- Bag of Mawrat Eyes can no longer be overwritten by a shorter duration self-cast Bestial Wrath.
- Fixed an issue that caused Fogged Crystal and Amplifying Mirror to sometimes remain active once Misdirection has expired.
- New Anima Power: Gravity Dynamo (Epic) – Knocking, Rooting, or Incapacitating enemies grants you 50% extra damage to fire, arcane, and frost spells for 8 seconds.
- New Anima Power: Chronomancer’s Hourglass (Rare) – During Alter Time, you and your Mirror Images gain Time Warp.
- New Anima Power: Sorceror’s Frozen Soul (Rare) – Ice Block has no cooldown.
- New Anima Power: Incanter’s Ward (Uncommon) – Damage absorbed by your Barriers grants up to 20% increased Intellect, based on the amount absorbed.
- New Anima Power: Eldritch Teachings (Common) – Pyroblast, Flurry, and Arcane Barrage damage increased by 25%.
- Dimensional Blade now refreshes your Blink cooldown when blinking through an enemy, and blinking through Mawrats will kill them instantly (was blinking through a Mawrat will instantly kill it and grant 3 charges of Blink).
- Sapphire Prism now summons 2 additional Mirror Images per stack (was 1) and is now Common rarity.
- Creeping Freeze now functions without Everwarm Socks, and can now be acquired at any time.
- Lingering Torments (Venthyr) increases damage of Mirrors of Torment by 25% (was 10%).
- Malevolence (Venthyr) now causes Mirrors of Torment’s cooldown to reset if the target dies while afflicted (was: Mirror damage had to be the killing blow).
- Maldo’s Enchanted Cane, Polymorbid Rat Liver, Tome of Zoomancy, and Alluring Cheese have been removed.
- New Anima Power: Dark Technique (Rare) – Enemies affected by Mind Bomb or Psychic Scream suffer 5% of your health in damage every 1 second. This damage cannot break Mind Bomb or Psychic Scream.
- New Anima Power: Voidwraith Signet (Rare) – Killing an enemy with Shadow Word: Death summons a Voidwraith guardian for 1 minute that casts Void Flay, dealing 100% additional damage against enemies that are above 50% health.
- New Anima Power: Soul of an Archon (Rare) – Power Infusion now also increases all periodic damage and healing by 100%.
- New Anima Power: Cowl of Influence (Uncommon) – You can now control your character during Mind Control, but it has a 30 second cooldown.
- New Anima Power: Light-Infused Egg (Uncommon) – Smite / Mind Flay have a 15% / 5% chance to grant you Power Infusion.
- New Anima Power: Fallen Priest’s Blessing (Common) – Casting Holy Fire or Mind Blast increases the damage or healing of your next Devouring Plague by 30%, Penance by 30% or Chastise by 60%. This effect stacks, but its duration is not refreshed.
- Enduring Spirit spell duration increased by 80% (was 50%).
- Puppetmaster’s Strings can no longer be offered to the player unless Cowl of Influence is known.
- Earworm chance to trigger increased to 5% per stack (was 3%).
- Mindmancer’s Handgloves now increases the damage of Mindgames by 20% (was reduce cast speed).
- Vandal’s Zeal can now be obtained 3 times (was 1).
- Psychic Wallet, Soul Sapper, and Art of Phantasmal Healing have been removed.
- Catharstick now properly triggers from Shadow Word: Pain cast by Vampiric Touch through the Shadow talent, Misery.
- Fixed an issue that caused Silent Footpads to not increase Rogue’s melee damage.
- Silent Footpads can now activated from Stealth through Vanish.
- New Anima Power: Depleted Tesla Coil (Epic) – Gain the effects of Stormkeeper every 15 seconds.
- New Anima Power: Pure Elemental Core (Rare) – Increases the duration of your Fire Elemental or Storm Elemental) by 50% for Elemental. Increases the duration of Feral Spirits by 100% for Enhancement. When you drop Spirit Link Totem, immediately heal all allies for 15% of their maximum Health, and harm all enemies in the radius for 15% of their max Health for Restoration. Stacks up to 2 times.
- New Anima Power: Bottle of Swirling Maelstrom (Common) Increases Earthquake and Earth Shock damage for Elemental, increases Maelstrom Weapon bonus damage and healing for Enhancement, and periodically deals nature damage to enemies inside of your Healing Rain for Restoration. Stacks up to 3 times.
- Storm Conduit now increases nature and frost damage by 50% (was Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning).
- Tsunami Relic now increases healing done by 50% (was casting healing spells faster).
- Blood of Heroes now also causes your first Bloodlust or Heroism per floor to not incur its cooldown and is now Rare rarity.
- Deathseer Choker damage and healing per totem increased by 10% (was 5%).
- Heart of the Deathseer has been redesigned – Chain Lightning hits 3 additional targets and damage increases by 20% per jump for Elemental and Restoration. Lava Lash now spreads Flame Shock to 5 nearby targets, and Lava Lash damage is increased by 500% for Enhancement.
- Ghost Bone and Shield of Spirits have been removed.
- warlock
- Detonation Torch has been redesigned – Increases Shadowbolt, Drain Soul (Talent), Demonic Core, and Incinerate damage by 75% per stack. Stacks up to 3 times.
- Inferno Skewers has been redesigned – Increases the damage of Seed of Corruption, Implosion, and Rain of Fire by 75%. Stacks up to 4 times.
- Pact of Thickness now increases summoned demons health and damage by 50% (was only demon health).
- Smoking Shard of Teleportation buff duration increased to 15 seconds (was 10 seconds).
- Bottled Shadow duration increased to 30 seconds (was 15 seconds).
- Visage of Lethality has been redesigned – When you are struck in melee by an auto-attack, you fear all nearby enemies for 8 seconds. The effect can happen once every 45 seconds.
- Hellfire Pact and Crystal of Perpetual Displacement have been removed.
- New Anima Power: Glory of Skyhold (Rare) – Heroic Leap gains 2 additional charges. Can be obtained 1 time.
- New Anima Power: Blade of the Tideskorn (Rare)– You yell a Demoralizing Shout (Protection) or a Piercing Howl (Arms and Fury) when you land your Heroic Leap. Can be obtained 1 time.Repulsive Pennant now deals damage to all enemies within 15 yards of you every 3 seconds while Conqueror’s Banner is active. Can be obtained 2 times (was 3).
- New Anima Power: Weathered Runestone (Uncommon) – Berserker Rage increases the damage of Overpower, Raging Blow, or Revenge by 40%. Can be obtained 3 times.
- New Anima Power: Thorium Hairpin (Uncommon) – Whirlwind generates 10 Rage for Arms and Protection, and 4 additional Rage for Fury. Can be obtained 3 times.
- New Anima Power: Gargolmar’s Shattered Hand (Uncommon) – Victory Rush reduces the remaining cooldown of Heroic Leap by 10 seconds. Can be obtained 3 times.
- New Anima Power: Ancient Rubble (Common) – Heroic Leap shatters the ground where you land, dealing Physical damage over 10 seconds to enemies within 16 yards. Can be obtained 4 times.
- Brawler’s Brass Knuckles increases Rage generation by 25% (was 20%). Can be obtained 4 times (was 5).
- Edge of Hatred increases the damage of Rampage, Mortal Strike, and Shield Slam by 25% (was 20%). Can be obtained 4 times (was 5).
- Fan of Longswords chance to cast Whirlwind increased to 100% (was 33%). Can be obtained 1 time (was 3).
- Succulent Carpaccio now also reduces the cooldown of Ignore Pain by 3 seconds for Arms and Fury. Unchanged for Protection.
- Voracious Culling Blade increases Condemn’s (Venthyr Ability) damage by 50% (was 100%).
- Smoldering Inertia damage bonus decreased to 100% (was 200%) and the duration increased to 6 seconds (was 4 seconds).
- Spattered Soles, Ragemote, and Champion’s Decree have been removed.
- Changed the expansion select button action to a tap and added a button to switch expansions in the menu.
- Developers’ note: We received feedback that players were having trouble remembering the expansion switch tutorial so we simplified the action and added a second way to switch expansions.
- Clarified the region and character select flow.
- Developers’ note: We changed the flow based on feedback to help clarify and resolve the wrong region being selected versus having no characters in a region.
- Fixed an issue where news articles didn’t show content when the phone’s language did not match the article’s language.
- Fixed an issue with duplicate Missions and Callings.
- Various updates to Adventures.
World of Warcraft Shadowlands update 9.0.5 may be a “small” patch in terms of content, but as these patch notes display it will dramatically shift the existing meta. Balance adjustments are sweeping – classes, Covenant abilities and Conduits, Torghast, Legendaries – just about every facet of the endgame has been changed. The return of Valor tokens for Mythic Keystone dungeons is perhaps the most welcome change, yet it will be interesting to see how the meta shakes out.
World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is available now on PC. For more information regarding this patch, visit the official World of Warcraft site. »
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