with the next WoW: Shadowlands expansion the level ceiling is halved with a level squish. This means that the highest level players need to reach will no longer be level 120, but level 60. Because of this, everyone will see their character level dropped to fit the new paradigm, so many people wondered what exactly their level will be after the pre-patch lands in a few weeks or so.
WoW: Shadowlands level squish distribution.
Below is a full table of what to expect from the WoW: Shadowlands pre-patch, which will usher in level squish. All of your gear's stats will also be reduced, but on the bright side, you'll only need one expansion to go from level 10 to level 50! If you want to see this table and other updates coming in the Shadowlands pre-patch, check out Blizzard's official post here.
- BfA: 120 -> SL: 50
- BfA: 118-119 -> SL: 49
- BfA: 116-117 -> SL: 48
- BfA: 114-115 -> SL: 47
- BfA: 112-113 -> SL: 46
- BfA: 110-111 -> SL: 45
- BfA: 108-109 -> SL: 44
- BfA: 106-107 -> SL: 43
- BfA: 104-105 -> SL: 42
- BfA: 102-103 -> SL: 41
- BfA: 100-101 -> SL: 40
- BfA: 98-99 -> SL: 39
- BfA: 96-97 -> SL: 38
- BfA: 94-95 -> SL: 37
- BfA: 92-93 -> SL: 36
- BfA: 90-91 -> SL: 35
- BfA: 88-89 -> SL: 34
- BfA: 86-87 -> SL: 33
- BfA: 84-85 -> SL: 32
- BfA: 82-83 -> SL: 31
- BfA: 80-81 -> SL: 30
- BfA: 76-79 -> SL: 29
- BfA: 72-75 -> SL: 28
- BfA: 68-71 -> SL: 27
- BfA: 64-67 -> SL: 26
- BfA: 60-63 -> SL: 25
- BfA: 57-59 -> SL: 24
- BfA: 54-56 -> SL: 23
- BfA: 51-53 -> SL: 22
- BfA: 48-50 -> SL: 21
- BfA: 45-47 -> SL: 20
- BfA: 42-44 -> SL: 19
- BfA: 41-42 -> SL: 18
- BfA: 39-40 -> SL: 17
- BfA: 37-38 -> SL: 16
- BfA: 35-36 -> SL: 15
- BfA: 32-34 -> SL: 14
- BfA: 29-30 -> SL: 13
- BfA: 26-28 -> SL: 12
- BfA: 23-25 ββ-> SL: 11
- BfA: 20-22 -> SL: 10
- BfA: 18-19 -> SL: 9
- BfA: 16-17 -> SL: 8
- BfA: 14-15 -> SL: 7
- BfA: 12-13 -> SL: 6
- BfA: 10-11 -> SL: 5
- BfA: 8-9 -> SL: 4
- BfA: 5-7 -> SL: 3
- BfA: 2-4 -> SL: 2
- BfA: 1 -> SL: 1