World of Warcraft: Shadowlands introduced Campagnes Timewalker – ALIASES « Chromie Time”- to the long-running MMO. Now that the pre-expansion patch has lowered everyone's levels to accommodate the new 60 level cap, players can choose to go from 10 to 50 in any expansion they choose. There are a few caveats though, and players who haven't reached level 50 on at least one character won't be able to use the new feature yet.
Timewalker (Chromie Time) campaigns can be accessed after reaching level 50 on at least one character.
The new Timewalker Campaigns (formerly known as 'Chromie Time') in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands are unlocked once at least one of your toons reaches level 50. Until then, only the expansion that will sync at levels 10-50 will be Battle for Azeroth. Old expansions will still be accessible, but they will have more traditional level ranges that don't sync.
Timewalker campaigns in Shadowlands allow you to choose any previous expansion you desire and force level sync for levels 10-50. You will receive the starting quest for this expansion and can easily level in this expansion. Timewalker campaigns can be swapped at any time, and you can even pause experience gains if you want to complete an entire expansion's scenario without a level 50 break (you're teleported to your capital city to start Shadowlands once you have 50).
To access the Timewalker campaigns, all you need to do is visit Chromie at your capital's embassy (Orgrimmar for the Horde and Stormwind for the Alliance). It will appear as an hourglass on the map and on the minimap. Talk to him to choose your "campaign", and go. Note that you don't have to use Timewalker campaigns to level others.
You can always jump back into the Battle for Azeroth expansion (it will still level sync from levels 10-50 until the next expansion replaces it with Shadowlands as a “leveling” expansion), or tackle the previous expansions as you would before level squish, but with new level ranges to compensate for the change. You can also turn off “Chromie Time” whenever you want, if you want. Lastly, if you need to clear the initial tutorial triggered to reach your capital city around level 10 to fully unlock Chromie time.