World of Warcraft: Shadowlands pre-expansion 9.0.1 update brings with it a multitude of class changes, and the Druid was no exception. Many classes will find some of their most popular abilities that were removed many expansions ago, and their skill acquisition adjusted due to the huge level reduction introduced in this same update.
Not all classes received massive adjustments, but Druid certainly saw a lot of class changes. Below is the full list of class changes made to Druid in Shadowlands prior to the Update 9.0.1 expansion. For the full patch notes, be sure to check out the link here, where additional class changes are listed.
Druid β Shadowlands Update 9.0.1 Modifications de classe
- Travel Form floor forms can no longer be mounted.
- The Stag Form ability has been renamed Mount Form and ground forms can be mounted when using this ability. The ability is learned from Tome of the Wilds: Mount Form available in the Druid Order Hall, The Dreamgrove, and is automatically learned for players who have already learned Tome of the Wilds: Stag Form before the update.
- The Lunarwing skin can be ridden when selected as the flight form skin at the hairdresser.
- Lunar Strike has been renamed Starfire.
- Solar Wrath has been renamed Wrath.
- All druids can now use the following abilities:
- Ferocious Bite β Finishing move that deals physical damage per combo point and consumes up to 25 additional energy to increase damage by up to 100%. Requires a cat form.
- Barkskin β Your skin becomes as tough as bark, reducing all damage you take by 20% and preventing damage from delaying your spellcasts. Lasts 12 seconds. Usable while stunned, frozen, incapacitated, feared, or sleepy, and in all forms of shapeshifting.
- Cyclone β No longer a PvP talent. Launches the enemy target into the air, disorienting them but making them invulnerable for up to 6 seconds. Only one target can be affected by your cyclone at a time.
- Afflicted Roar β Shift into bear form and let out a wild roar, increasing the movement speed of all friendly players within 15 yards by 60% for 8 seconds.
- Ironfur β Increases armor for 7 seconds. Requires bear form.
- Wrath β Hurls a ball of energy at the target, inflicting Nature damage.
- Swipe now limited to 5 targets.
- The following talents have been adjusted:
- New Talent: Heart of the Wild (replaces Typhoon) β Abilities associated with the chosen Affinity are greatly empowered for 45 seconds. 5 minute recharge. Moves you into the appropriate form when cast, except in Restorative Affinity.
- Restoration Affinity: Your Restoration spell healing has been increased by 30% and mana costs reduced by 50%.
- Affinity of Balance: Balance spell damage is increased by 30%. Your balance ability damage is increased by 30% and Starsurge is instant.
- Feral Affinity: Your Feral ability damage is increased by 30%, and critical hits with attacks that generate a combo point generate an additional combo point.
- Guardian Affinity: Bear Form grants 20% more stamina, multiple uses of Ironfur can overlap, and Frenzied Regeneration has 2 charges.
- Mighty Bash now stuns the target for 4 seconds (was 5 seconds) and has a 1 minute cooldown (was 50 seconds).
- New abilities have been added to their respective affinities:
- Restoration Affinity: Ursol's Vortex
- Affinity of Balance: Typhoon
- Feral Affinity: Maim
- Guardian Affinity: Incapacitating Roar
- New Talent: Heart of the Wild (replaces Typhoon) β Abilities associated with the chosen Affinity are greatly empowered for 45 seconds. 5 minute recharge. Moves you into the appropriate form when cast, except in Restorative Affinity.
- PvP Talent Changes:
- Cyclone is no longer a Talent and learned by all Druids at level 48.
- Heart of the Wild a Γ©tΓ© renommΓ© Force of the Wild.
- New Mastery: Total Eclipse β Solar Eclipse increases Nature damage by 11% and Lunar Eclipse increases Arcane damage by 11%.
- Eclipse passive redesigned and works with Balance Affinity (Talent): Casting 2 Starfires empowers Wrath for 15 seconds. Casting 2 Wrath empowers Starfire for 15 seconds. These eclipses occur alternately.
- Eclipse (Solar): Wrath cast time reduced by 15% and damage increased by 20%.
- Eclipse (Lunar): Starfire's cast time is reduced by 15% and increases Starfire's critical strike chance by 20%.
- Starsurge now increases the damage bonus of Wrath and Starfire for the duration of Eclipse and costs 30 Astral Power (was 40).
- Celestial Alignment maintains both Eclipses and grants 10% haste for 20 seconds. Starfall now has a 40 yard radius around the caster and moves with the caster for the duration, avoiding targets not in combat. Starfall damage increased significantly.
- Shooting Stars is no longer a Talent and learned by all Balance Druids at level 49. Shooting Stars now generates 3 Astral Power (was 4) and proc chance increased by 50%.
- Moonfire and Sunfire now generate 2 Astral Power (was 3).
- Wrath now generates 6 Astral Power (was 8).
- Starfire now generates 8 Astral Power (was 12).
- Celestial Alignment and Embodiment: Elune's Chosen (Talent) no longer has a global cooldown.
- Innervate's duration has been reduced to 10 seconds and it no longer has a global cooldown.
- The following talents have been adjusted:
- New Talent: Solstice (replaces Shooting Stars) β During the first 6 seconds of each Eclipse, Shooting Stars drop 300% more often.
- Nature's Balance now generates 1 Astral Power every 2 seconds in combat (was 2 Astral Power every 3 seconds).
- Soul of the Forest Redesigned β Eclipse increases Wrath's Astral Energy generation by 50% and increases Starfire damage to all other enemies by 150%.
- Starlord now grants you 4% haste for 15 seconds (was 3% haste for 20 seconds).
- Incarnation: Chosen of Elune now grants Celestial Alignment boons and 10% Critical Strike.
- Stellar Drift now increases Starfall duration by 2 seconds and damage by 15%.
- Fury of Elune deals reduced damage to secondary targets.
- PvP Talent Changes:
- Stinging Thorns now causes Tangled Roots to take damage every 3 seconds instead of damage upon removal.
- Moon and star radius increased to 5 meters (was 3 meters).
- Survival Instincts now has 1 charge (down from 2).
- Rake deals 60% increased damage while stealthed (down from 100%).
- Shred deals 60% increased damage while stealthed (down from 30%).
- Redesigned Berserk: Go berserk for 20 seconds causing Rake and Shred to deal damage as if stealthed and give finishers a 20% chance per combo point spent to refund 1 combo point.
- Berserk and Incarnation: King of the Jungle (Talent) no longer has a global cooldown.
- The following talents have been adjusted:
- Sabertooth now extends Rip by 1 second (was 4 seconds).
- Balance Affinity Moonkin Form no longer has a 90 second cooldown.
- Incarnate: King of the Jungle now grants Berserk boons, reduces the energy cost of all Cat Form abilities by 20%, and allows Prowl to be used once in combat.
- Bloodtalons has been redesigned β When you use 3 different combo point generating abilities within 4 seconds, your next 2 fierce tears or bites damage is increased by 30%.
- Brutal Slash is now capped at 5 targets.
- New Ability: Berserk β Go berserk for 15 seconds, reducing the cooldowns of Mangle, Thrash, Growl, and Frenzied Regeneration by 50% and the cost of Ironfur by 50%. 3 min charge.
- New Ability: Infected Wounds β Mangle and Maul slow the target's movement speed by 50% for 12 seconds.
- Incapacitating Roar now transforms you into bear form when used.
- Berserk no longer has a global cooldown.
- The following talents have been adjusted:
- New Talent: Renewal (replaces Ursol's Vortex) β Instantly heals you for 30% of your maximum health.
- New Talent: Tooth and Claw (replaces Lunar Beam) β Auto-attacks have a 20% chance to Empower Maul, stacking up to 2. Empowered Mauls deal 40% more damage and reduce target damage by 15% for 6 seconds.
- Incarnation: Guardian of Ursoc has been redesigned β An enhanced bear form that grants Berserk boons, allows Mangle to hit up to 3 targets, and increases max health by 30%. Lasts 30 seconds.
- Pulverize now reduces target damage by 20% for 10 seconds and has a 30 second cooldown (reduces damage of all targets by 9% for 20 seconds).
- Ironbark now has a 1,5 minute cooldown (down from 1 minute).
- Swiftmend's cooldown is now 15 seconds (was 25 seconds), costs 11% mana (was 14%), and consumes an active regeneration, wild growth, regeneration, or germination effect on the duration to instantly heal an ally.
- Innervate's duration has been reduced to 10 seconds and it no longer has a global cooldown.
- The following talents have been adjusted:
- New Talent: Nourish (replaces Prosperity) β Restores 135% spell power to a friendly target. Costs 15% mana, 2 seconds cast time, and receives triple bonus Mastery: Harmony.
- New Talent: Proliferation (replaces Stonebark) β No longer a PvP talent. Apply Lifebloom, Rejuvenation, Wild Growth, Regrowth's heal over time effects to an ally. Now has a 1 minute cooldown (was 45 seconds).
- Stonebark is no longer a talent and its increased healing bonus effect will once again be learned in Shadowlands.
- PvP Talent Changes:
- Invading Vines have been redesigned and renamed Gale Winds β Cyclone leaves the target reeling, reducing their damage by 25% for 4 seconds.
- Feed has been removed.
- Revitalize has been renamed Reactive Resin.